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Chapter 119 : This one fine mortal veil

Hong Liu waited for Ming Zhu two days went by it must be just twenty minutes in celestial realm She doesn't know where he went to find the solution for this and she knew she was being an irrational sooner Or later she has to give up this dream she was living so far but a small part here, a selfish part that is not worried about anything else just want to feed its own desire wants Ming Zhu to never find the way to get access into First Lord's subconscious or at least it should take him a day or two to find it. It would be like a year or two in the mortal realm. But there was a major part of her that feels for Xian Zhen and his pain hurts her too. She can't see him like this other one more day not to mention anything got wrong with this trial First Lord might pay the price for this.