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Chapter 155 : The wall of destiny


The shield exploded, the whole Nine Heavens shook with the impact

The shield scattered in tiny little pieces flying past her and her head whipped at the sky her involuntarily soared at the sight, Dong Hai come flying his blue robes created an arena behind him and landed in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

He must be here to stop her, she turns towards the wide staircase without answering. He grabbed her elbow.

"Let go of me!" her eyes flash at him.

"There is no point to go there!" 

"I said let go of me!" She started to hit his hand repeatedly to break the hold but he drags the opposite of her destination.

"I am not going to go anywhere! until I see it myself!" Hong Liu cried. Dong Hai stop and look at her, he looks into her devasted dark eyes and his eyes harden. Hong Liu, stop at her struggle as he steps close to her.

"What do you want to see? Huh?" He asked icily.