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Chapter 214 : Blocked out

Be Good, I will come back soon...Miss me, ~ Dong Hai

Hong Liu close her eyes as she read it, and tears fall from her eyes staining the scroll, 

Dong Hai, where are you? I want to see you, she clutches the letter and curled up in a ball on her bed in Ren's hut, why you are not here? She sobbed silently. The purple dandelion scrambled on the side of her head.

She had never felt so alone and afraid ever in her life, all the people she would go to when she was in trouble were not here when her father was angry Gu Gu, Aunt Tai and Ren would always defend her, Hua Shen or Mo Fen would always come with a good wine when she is sad, Huang Ling would cheer her up and Xue Feng would always have something wise to say, and Dong Hai....he, she would forget everything just being near him. Everything had just....got frozen, not alive but not dead either.