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Chapter 297 : Its time, Your Highness

"You are awfully quiet," Guan Yu stated.

He frowns, looking at her trying to detect what she is thinking.

Hong Liu paid no mind to him as she concentrated on weaving the purple dandelion into a small circle. She didn't move her eyes from it and she took several deep breaths before answering him.

"I don't know what to say,"  she said in a low voice.

She raised her head to meet his bright eyes and a chill ran through her spine and the hair on the back of her neck raised. Something was amiss.

She blinks, shaking her head at the thought. She looks back at the dandelions weaving the delicate twigs. Are those even called..petals? the soft cotton shreds? The brief thought passed her. She didn't want them to smash together. She struggled to keep every twig straight frowning in concentration.

"I thought you wanted to meet me." Guan Yu said sitting in front of her, puzzlement clear in his eyes.