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Chapter 235: The Graveyard of secrets.

"Dong Hai if the spirit is gone, how will we find a way to break the Rose Frost curse," she frowned, she was so lost in him. It didn't come to her mind. Regret hit deep in her stomach.

"Your answer is right in front of you," He said. Hong Liu blinked once, twice as the answer dawned on her.

"You know how to…"

He pulled her off the bed and held her hand. They walked opposite the chambers and Hong Liu's eyes concentrated on the wall, the familiar symbol appearing a lot here. She had seen them while she walked here but now they were becoming clearer like how she came to an understanding with this.

The legends were carved into the walls, with accuracy as of the one who did it witness itself. Hong Liu started to recognize recurring symbols, or rather persons. The First Lord was in most of it, except the first one they saw the lotus heart. Dong Hai's life was documented.