The Execution

A volley of bolts is poured on to the executioners and the former Mega Doux, penetrating their bodies making their flesh burst open from the arrow head's impact, dropping end immediately ending the sufferings of Loukas Notaras, bringing along several Janissaries and the weird man in grey robes to accompany him on the path to either heaven or hell. 

But following the volley of arrows a series of things happened. According to the prior investigations by the Ottoman scouts this should be a safe distance from Rumelian archers, but these bodies lying lifelessly before them can only mean one thing, that is there investigation results are completely wrong, or the Rumelian now have a kind of cross bow that has a much farther range than what they have speculated. 

The Janissaries horridly grouped together forming a shield formation and escorted their Grand Vizier and the young Sultan back to safety.