The Naked Army

If a cavalry lost his mount, can he still be called a cavalry? If a Sipahi cavalry corps lost most of its horses, can it still be counted as a cavalry Corp?

The answer is no.

Actually it is only later after the Grand Vizier replaced the horses with hundreds of stronger slaves to pull these cursed walls down that Mahmud Pasha Angelović convinced himself that the Grand Vizier is not trying to minimise his troops, power and influence using the Rumelian fortresses as an excuse and whet stone.

Thinking about this the Ottoman Pasha closed his eyes and sighed shifting his head away from the damned walls. God knows how many lives of his fellow Ottoman brothers are going to be lost because of this ridiculously tough walls constructed with only wood on winter soil. There is almost certain that the war shall drag on to an never ending state unless one side retreats.