Im Coming Down!

"He declared that he knew nothing, except the fact of his ignorance."

-        Socrates, Diogenes Laërtius

The air between the Rumelians walls and Ottoman rear intensified, as Ibrahim Pahsa passed the order around each section preparing them for the incoming battle. However, after a long enduring wait, not the shadows of Rumelian can be spotted outside of the walls. The whole crowd of ten thousand men just stood there under the noon winter sun of Greece, wearing armors and holding weapons getting their inner clothing soaked in perspiration. But still, no Rumelian infantry ever came out of that gate as what they are expecting, though they can still hear the rowdiness going on behind those walls. 

"Honourable Pasha!" Another scout came reporting. "I managed to catch a clear sight of what the Rumelians are holding in their hands… It seems to be tools!"

"Tools?" Ibrahim Pasha could not believe what he has just heard. "What do you mean?"