Or Should I Not...

"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate" "Abandon all hope, you who came here." 

-        Dante Alighieri

"…. Including the city Constantinople! We can help you get it! If you want!" Ibrahim Pasha pleaded with cold sweat dripping down his fore head. "We can recognize your ownership of Constantinople… We can admit you being the new emperor of Romania! We can become your vassal! We can pay tribute to you! Admiral! If you simply help me!" 

The whole tent fell in to a sudden silence after Ibrahim Pasha shouted out the words that they did not even dare to think of in the past, nothing can be heard except the heavy panting sounds of every captains and courtiers as they glanced at each other with a thrifty pair of eyes. After some discussion and gossiping all of their eyes are now focused on to the man who makes the final decision their admiral.