Candarli Halil

"Your power, which is already very great, you can increase more by peace than by war. For the outcome of war is uncertain - more often you see adversity rather than prosperity accompany it."

-        Candar Li Halil Pasha The Younger

Candarli Halil Pasha the younger, the eleventh Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Sultanate and perhaps one of the most influential Grand Viziers in the early stage of the country. 

Born from a  ilmiye political family with his father and uncles serving as supreme roles in the government system of the Ottoman Sultanate, Candarli Halil Pasha had the time, effort, and money to adopt an education for the elites successfully enrolled as a kazasker, or the chief judge, of the Early Ottoman Judiciary system, ranking up to the position of the Grand Vizier in the year 1439, beginning his almost twenty years journey as the highest ranking official in the entire Sultanate.