Here We Go Again

But time is not going to wait for Mahumad Pasha Angelovic to slowly settle the situation of Edirne, as by the end of November in year 1459, the Ottoman guards on the watch towers spotted a new flag being hang on the fortress in front of them - red flag with a Rumelian crown and a white lion. Obviously this war banner belonged to the man they both hated and feared the most, Antonius De'Ricci. Yes, he is finally here arriving in the front line. 

The arrival of that famed pirate commander who stole Ottoman territories and slaughtered tens of thousands of Ottoman sons through sly dirty tricks proved to be a hit for the already dwindling Ottoman army morale. It is impossible to cover up news coming out of Edirne from various channels and with each day piece after piece of bad news comes in to the ears of the soldiers from sources like transport caravans, reinforcements and messengers.