Chose Not To Do Anything

"Φράξαντες δόρυ δουρί, σάκος σάκεϊ προθελύμνῳ· ἀσπὶς ἄρ' ἀσπίδ' ἔρειδε, κόρυς κόρυν, ἀνέρα δ' ἀνήρ."

"Locking spear by spear, shield against shield at the base, so buckler leaned on buckler, helmet on helmet, man against man."

-        Homer, Lliad

So, what happened to our Mahumad Pasha Angelovic? Is he really capture or killed by the Romans, or according to some rumours spread around by Mauro's loud speakers, willingly surrendered to the vicious assault company by Giovanni?