The Story of The Sanjek

Now it has became apparent to everyone here, Semseddin is definitely lost, the whole thing is a trap, the trenches dug by the Rumelians served no purpose other than carry explosives to the walls which really sounded quite stupid, and now he has lost the support of his most trusted ally and sub coordinate Semseddin and the advantage they had in terms of cavalries. Now the glimpse of victory seemed to be even dimer for every single Ottoman commander over here in the premise. 

The Sanjek is not having a good time recently, ever since the war has officially begun.

A few days back he received intel from his capital by his regent, saying that his wife died due to miscarriage, the supposedly trained doctor failed to fulfill his duty and left his wife clinging to her demise for hours before she met her final fate, and in the end the doctor failed to secure the life of his yet to be born child too, leaving the infant dying with its umbilical cord still intact.