Spring Of Edirne

Edirne is in flames

The news of the Sultana's submission towards the Rumelians spread fast in the gossips of the citizens. At first people thought that it is nothing but a plain rumour. But soon it became the painful reality giving every citizen of Edirne a hammer strike on their head, waking them up again from the former glories of the Sultanate that has been all lost in the past years.

Hundreds and thousands of young, robust Ottoman juniors stormed the streets tearing down buildings, tearing down walls and trying to storm the palace in protest. Strangely speaking when the recruiters came a month ago to enrol them into the Ottoman army in the name of defending the nation, they rejected the offer, being simply way too afraid to confront the Rumelians. But when it comes to damaging their own nation's properties in showing their patriotism and courage, they are much more daring than what they are one month ago.