The Pillar

"Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back,"

-        Book of Revelation, 12:7, USCCB

  "I see."

"You shall see the Sultan, Pasha."

"And he will throw you with the same kind of answer."

"I can even ask him to write an official letter for you, right on the spot."

"Because you know what, Pasha."

"I am the Sultan."

Hamza Pasha gave the woman a cold stare. "Don't even bother to put up a show for the entire Sultanate now am I right?"

"I had no other choice." The Sultana Dowager stepped a few steps back and leaned on her couch.

"It is my duty." Hamza Pasha stood up firmly. "To protect the throne of the son of Mehmed, and the right of ownership of the Sultan on this country."