Family Leisure Time

In the serene embrace of the Golden Horn, under a sky that painted the world in hues of twilight, Antonius and Giovanni Junior shared a moment of tranquillity and silence, adrift on a small boat. The contrast between them was striking—Giovanni, shaped by the discipline of military life, held himself with a rigid posture, while Antonius, the seasoned ruler, allowed himself a rare reprieve from the burdens of leadership, adopting a posture of ease.

The quiet waters around them seemed to listen as Antonius broached a subject close to his heart. "So, your mother, Therma, have not responded to my invitations? I have been inviting her over to Constantinople for years."

"I'm afraid not, father." Replied Giovanni. "She said that she loved that island, peaceful, quiet, away from all the squabbles of the world, where she can spend her entire life, serving God, with her heart in peace."