At the back of the room, Cerberus stood silently, observing the scene with a heavy heart. His weathered face betrayed his concern. The young emperor had not rested properly in months, and Cerberus knew the strain this relentless pace was taking on him. It pained the old warrior to acknowledge his own aging body, unable to wield his axe with the same vigour as he once did. He worried, too, about whether the younger generation of Varangians—those who now stood in his place—could match the skill and ferocity of his old comrades.
Still, as Cerberus watched the emperor and the commanders rally around this looming threat, a faint flicker of hope stirred within him.
For in the eyes of these youthful commanders seated around the table, he saw not fear of the approaching conflict, but a burning eagerness—a hunger to prove themselves on the battlefield.