Investigation (VII)

12:00 A.M.

Manila National Police Station. 

July 21st, the year 2018. Saturday. 

Katrina Fajardo's 23rd birthday. 

5 hours and 30 minutes since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

"Xyrelle Martinez? I thought he was having a long several weeks about his arm injury?" Marcus asked. 

"I thought so too. Since I bumped into him, I saw how thick his cast was. I don't know where he was heading through. I think he'll buy some food over the Diner or what. I didn't ask him where he was going since I needed to rush towards our house that time," Xian discussed. Marcus listened intently to him while crossing his arms over his chest. 

Xyrelle and Michie, at one place with Xian, who had been on the verge of the accident. It completely mystified her for the better. 

"We departed from the entrance of the Diner that morning, I was completely abashed by what I saw over the side of my car. Like what I said, someone painted it there on purpose. Not just to scare something, but to say that it will be the reality we have to face," Xian mumbled. Marcus traced his bottom lips, connecting the happenings with Margo's murder case... and Katrina's abduction.

Marcus's cell phone rang over the silent confines of the investigation room. He glanced at his wristwatch as the date changed over the surface. The hands of the clock were pointing towards the number 12. He sighed, snoozing the buttons. He jotted down the keywords for Xian's narration. 

"One detective from the Vehicular Division asked me questions the day I woke up. I was asleep for about a week, as Margo had said. They questioned me about the accident. I only remember nothing rather than the one with the person. He was wearing a black hoodie. That person was also the one who shot bullets right at my car," Xian murmured as Marcus observed how he talked. 

He squinted his eyes at Xian and concluded in his thoughts that he was saying the truth now. 

Marcus opened his mouth to say something, but there came a knock on the door. He swallowed as he widened his eyes and the door cracked. Sergeant Kim peeked as Marcus stood up from his seat while she was opening the door wide. She was holding a folder with thin sheets of paper over her chest. She saluted, too. 

Xian looked over at the woman standing by the door. He averted his eyes towards his handcuffed wrists. Lieutenant Marcus knocked on the table as he tried to get Xian's attention. He looked up with raised eyebrows. Marcus nodded at the door. 

He went outside of the investigation room with Sergeant Kim by his back. They closed the door before Xian could say anything. 

Sergeant Kim handed the file that he requested over to the Vehicular Division. He scanned it in a haste. Based on what Xian had said and the scene shown on the paper, they're a match.

"Any updates on the officers that were tracking down the one who abducted Katrina?" Marcus asked, flipping the pages of the files. He stopped right through the picture of the bullets found over Xian's accident on the car. He scrutinized the bullets. Marcus was certain that it was the one they used for their raids and missions. 

"There were still no updates. The one who called said they didn't find any clue where Katrina was right now. Also, there were no traces of the one who abducted her," Sergeant Kim muttered. She put her hands behind her back. Marcus sighed as he gave back the file to her again. 

"They didn't find any traces of blood towards the ground or what? I shot that person. I am sure he's close enough. We don't know if that person was a man or a woman," Marcus breathed. He propped his hands over his hips and glanced towards the glass. Xian was still sitting upright. Sergeant Kim also shifted her eyes towards the two-way mirror. 

"Nothing, Lieutenant. They said they were searching for over hours now. It's already midnight," Sergeant Kim addressed. Marcus still observed Xian right through the window. He was knuckling his fists over his side, thinking about Katrina's condition. He shook his head, promising himself that he will find his best friend at all costs. 

"The results of the fingerprints make sense," Marcus whispered. Sergeant Kim pursed her lips. Marcus breathed as he opened his mouth wide and glanced at Sergeant Kim again. 

"What are your opinions about this case? I'm sure this will be the hard one whom we will have some hard times to solve. It will take months before we catch the culprit of both Margo and Katrina's case," Marcus explained. He stared right through her teammates' eyes. Sergeant Kim nodded at him, agreeing.

"Mr. Lieutenant, we need to be sure about our next move right now. Especially, the targets of the murderer were...," Sergeant Kim can't continue what she has to say. Marcus understood it. 

"The targets were the ones who were so close to me. And the one who had a deep connection with my life," Marcus realized. Sergeant Kim bit her lip, looking down at her feet. She was forming the words of apology when someone barged in the door. Lieutenant Lirio appeared right through it while panting. He saluted first as Sergeant Kim did the same thing to him while opening his mouth to say something. 

"Katrina Fajardo's guardian was screaming over the hallways and we didn't know how to stop her. She said that we need to find her niece right on time.... or she will do something worse," Lieutenant Lirio said as he put his hands over his knees. Marcus and Sergeant Kim widened their eyes as he pressed the button of the microphone over the table. 

"Stay there, Mr. Santos. We have some urgent things to do. I'll be back right away to continue the interrogation," Marcus cried out. 

Xian looked up through the ceiling, puzzled about who was calling from the speakers. He looked over his reflection in the mirror with furrowed eyebrows. There was no response. 

Marcus, Sergeant Kim, and Lieutenant Lirio went outside of the room hurriedly. 

They ran over the hallways. Marcus heard someone shouting over the information area of the station. The police officers were scrambling in and about. They tried to calm down a woman who was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Marcus, Sergeant Kim, and Lieutenant Lirio halted right at the hallway exit. They saw that Katrina's aunt was holding a sharp-pointed ball pen over her right hand. She was pointing it at every officer and saying the thing repeatedly.

Marcus averted his eyes towards the glass doors. He saw his best friends over there, too. He creased his forehead as he saw Abbey was not there. 

"Find my niece right now! Where is Katrina?! Huh?! You are all entitled as police officers. Find her right now!" Auntie Karyn shrieked as Marcus breathed. He scrambled over the officers and emerged right through the center of the circle. He raised his hands as Auntie Karyn saw him while still gripping the pen over her right hand. 

Zoey, Carmela, Matthew, and Mina all looked at each other as Marcus stood upright in the center. He swallowed as he said, "Auntie Karyn." 

Auntie Karyn clenched her jaw right away and took a step forward. One officer tried to barricade him from the woman. Marcus signaled they should stay back and that he can deal with it. 

"Lieutenant, you will be in danger," one officer whispered right through. Marcus shook his head. 

"No, Mrs. Fajardo was not the dangerous one here. We should all calm down," Marcus retorted. Auntie Karyn halted after taking two steps forward. She clenched his jaw more rigidly as she sarcastically stated Marcus's name and title. 

"Lieutenant Dela Rosa, I thought you will do everything to protect my niece.... and your best friends," Auntie Karyn hissed. Marcus froze at his place. He breathed, can't help but to feel nervous about what she was gonna say.