Investigation (XL)

10:30 A.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

July 21st, the year 2018. Saturday. 

Katrina Fajardo's 23rd birthday. 

16 hours and 1 minute since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

Mina was so furious and infuriated as he could be when he saw the cast around his leg. Little did he know that Xyrelle could have been shot by Marcus in the parking lot of Cruz Mall when they were chasing down that person, who held Katrina on his back, while yielding the sword right in front of the nose of every police officer that will come his way. Mina shook his head as he formed his assumption that it was Xyrelle. He knew that the thought in his mind was so strong that he could not break it. 

He was right, and he knew that if he backed out and let Abbey do what she really wanted to hide everything, she will be in doubt on herself. Not just in her mind, she would also feel guilty on what will happen.