Investigation (L)

04:30 P.M.

Manila National Police Station. 

July 21st, the year 2018. Saturday. 

Katrina Fajardo's 23rd birthday. 

21 hours and 59 minutes since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

Marcus knew that what Sergeant Kim was saying right now could be the last straw that he had wished earlier in the meeting. Sergeant Kim was tilting her head on one side, thinking hard. Marcus was waiting for her response and statement, for how it could also help everybody who will be the next victim of the killer. Marcus was afraid of what will Sergeant Kim's response would be. 

Sergeant Kim nodded and said, "Yeah. It was that day. We are on the patrol with another officer from the Vehicular Division, and I was certain that it was also the day we got a call that someone got into an accident hours later." 

Lieutenant Lirio exhaled as he whispered, "This is going crazy."