The Gay Thing (IV)

11:00 A.M.

ASN Studios. 

July 25th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 

5 days since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

Mina had struck with reality when he heard those comforting words from Tristan. Tristan left the center of the lobby as Mina was staring from the place where he left at. He closed his eyes tightly and whispered to himself, "What am I thinking? Tristan was not involved with this. He is not." 

The bodyguards left with their master in front as Manager Maci was standing a distance away from Mina. The footsteps were evident as soon as the horde of his workers followed suit until they reached the corners of the lobby. They all turned until they vanished from sight and Mina was left alone in the center. He swallowed as he darted his eyes everywhere and saw that the people were murmuring at each other.