The Gay Thing (XVIII)

02:01 P.M.

Starbucks Coffee Shop, at the streets of Maria Avenue. 

July 25th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 

5 days since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

Mina doesn't even know where his conversation with Marcus had gone. Earlier they were talking about the results that had been attained on the blood samples that had been a threat to Katrina's and his life. He doesn't know what Marcus was trying to say about the information that he wanted to say to Mina, but he knew that it was a plan. Marcus was huffing some air over his seat as he looked the other way and finally said it. Mina was confused about what he said about a metaphorical statement of him, as always, when he was laying out a plan on them. 

Mina tilted his head to one side as he realized the hidden meaning of his best friend.