The Gay Thing (XX)

02:45 P.M.

San Miguel's Hospital. 

July 25th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 

5 days since Katrina Fajardo went missing. 

Mina didn't know that the blow would cause of chaotic scenario for him again. He was out of breath as he felt that the bed had been hoisted down the steps of the emergency room.

Mina had been unconscious for minutes now, and he couldn't feel anything. The bed that he had been lying down was occupied, and he felt the comforter underneath his clothes. It was moving as if he was transferred to another room without his notice. There was a lot of blood that oozed out from the side of his head, and he doesn't know if he could move. A nurse placed something on his nose, and he couldn't argue anymore with what she was doing.