The Third Victim (XIV)

05:35 P.M.

Manila National Police Station. 

August 2nd, the year 2018. Thursday. 

Nearly 2 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing.

"Three of my best friends were working under him without even knowing that he was a dangerous one. Now, if we settled our plan here, I want you to know that Katrina went missing nearly 2 weeks ago. The pieces of evidence that we attained and by the forensic team had not been correlating with each other. Neither the phone call that the police received from Katrina made sense. The number had been tracked as the same with Aunt Sammy's phone call with it the day Margo died, and the one who sent a voicemail towards Mina, just a week ago," Marcus explained. The Major Crimes sighed as they knew that this case was not really that easy. It was a difficult one to solve, and they were handling it for a month now.