Who Is The X? (IX)

08:34 P.M.

San Miguel's Hospital. 

August 4th, the year 2018. Saturday. 



Nearly 2 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


20 hours after Dominador Gomez went missing. 

"I don't want to lose anyone anymore, why is it like this?" Marcus cried as he howled and knuckled his fists. He thumped his thighs all along and grunted in pain as it was connected with the wound he had on his abdomen. He slammed his head back on the pillow as Sergeant Kim put her hand on his abdomen. She shook her head as she glanced at the door and walked towards there. A nurse passed by and Sergeant Kim quickly dragged her inside. 

The nurse was astonished by that but Sergeant Kim just said that she should check out the patient right now. Marcus was twitching in his place and couldn't explain what excruciating pain he was experiencing right now. He flipped on his side as Sergeant Kim was so worried just looking at him.