Protection (IV)

09:05 A.M. 

Dera Group of Companies.

August 8th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 



Nearly 3 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


5 days after Dominador Gomez went missing. 

The glass doors opened as she took a look back once again, and smiled as she went inside the premises of the company. Marcus's smile vanished from his lips as he grabbed a hold of his cell phone and called his colleague once again. At the same time, Zoey pushed the glass doors open and it showed an empty lobby, with all of the people compiled on one corner. Someone bumped into her and she just apologized. 

She bowed her head down as a man with a black suit rushed towards the corner of the lobby while Zoey averted her eyes towards the people. She swallowed as she put her hands on the grips of her backpack and walked towards there.