Protection (XI)

11:29 A.M. 

Manila National Police Station. 

August 8th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 



Nearly 3 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


5 days after Dominador Gomez went missing. 



She could not believe that they will be doing this after Katrina and Mina went missing. Abbey could not move at her place as Xyrelle stopped in front of her, raised his cuffed hands, gripped the handle of the gun from her palms, while Abbey was still looking at the officer with resentment in her eyes. 

She felt the loosening grasp of the gun on her palms as Zoey was watching her closely. Someone shouted inside to get back to their office work and let the thing be handled by the officers and the higher-ups. Someone came inside the doors and they were surprised when it was the head of the information and technology department.