Protection (XIII)

12:06 P.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

August 8th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 



Nearly 3 weeks after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


5 days after Dominador Gomez went missing. 



He bumped his head hard on the man's forehead and he pushed him out of the way. Marcus kicked him on the abdomen as he recovered and reached for the gun swiftly. He wielded it right away and the bullets clicked on the cartridge. He shot the feet of the man recklessly and with ruthless eyes. 

The bullet missed on his toenails and the man was swift to pull out a gun too, from the backside pockets of his jeans and pointed it to his chest. Marcus ducked his head back as the man shoot through his forehead. The bullet found its place on the shattered windows, and it made a loud, crashing sound. Shards of the glass found their way on the ground and it created a noise.