The Fourth Victim (XXX)

06:36 P.M. 

Dera Group of Companies. 

August 29th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 



A month after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


Nearly a month after Dominador Gomez went missing. 



Xyrelle finally used his antic on cornering someone and jumped on the floor. He kicked him with that technique that he had learned from his armory school, and CEO Kim smashed on the door with that kick. Xyrelle huffed some air as he wiped the blood on his forehead and put his hands by his knees. 

He then realized that Marcus didn't know what was happening, and he knew that something might happen to Zoey. He felt his knees draining down the energy and sucking out the sanity that was on his body earlier. Zoey went beside her as Xyrelle was losing his balance but she was astonished when he grabbed her wrists.