Sad Anniversary (VIII)

08:55 P.M. 

Dera Group of Companies, on the secret compartment of finance department office. 

August 29th, the year 2018. Wednesday. 



A month after Katrina Fajardo went missing. 


Nearly a month after Dominador Gomez went missing. 



She was full of blood, the sweat was trickling down her forehead, and she swallowed constantly. She held the gun while her hands were shaking and she did not know what to do. CEO Sander Kim just chuckled on the hood of the car while he looked at the floor. He saw how Marcus put the muzzle of the gun on the back of Sergeant Kim's head while they were down. 

Zoey was pointing the gun too on his chest and she said, "It's over, CEO Kim. Be glad that I will not kill you right now. I wanted to torture you and torment you into pieces, out of respect, mister!"