MarcEy Special Chapter

05:49 A.M. 

Pristine's Village. 

August 30th, the year 2016. Tuesday. 

Zoey, who was lying down on her mattress for about five hours now since 12 midnight, never got to realize that she had not closed her eyes in a blink. She was just turned to her side, with her arms clasped on her abdomen, and she was staring at somewhat, nothing. She was just lying down there peacefully, waiting for the sun to rise, but she didn't even have sleep since yesterday. 

She had been awake for about a day, but why do her eyes felt like they were not exhausted from crying too much? 

She stood up from the bed slowly, with her hair cascading all over her shoulders, her eyes were puffier than usual, and her nose was red. She saw her cell phone, which was charging on her bedside table, and she saw that there were no messages from her boyfriend, Marcus.