Xyrelle and Carmela Special Chapter

No time in particular. 

Gustin University. 

September 1st, the year 2010. 

"I know, but you know what our relationship was. I don't want to be unsettled with us two. We could still be friends, Carmela," Xyrelle addressed with those glistening eyes. He was trying to maintain his stare. But he knew that if Carmela would get his words all wrong, everything around them would fall apart. 

The rain seemed to calm down a little, the gloomy skies withered little by little, and that's when Carmela knew that their relationship was nothing to him. Those days where they would laugh at each other inside the library, sitting beside them, but it was only for a few seconds. Abbey was the first one to sense that there was something going on between her brother and her best friend.