If All Were Clueless (III)

10:36 A.M. 

San Miguel's Hospital. 

September 6th, the year 2018. Friday. 


2 months after Katrina Fajardo went missing, a month after Mina had been abducted, 8 days after Zoey had lost at the secret compartment of Dera Group of Companies and Matthew had been reported as last seen at the entrance of the Manila National Police Station. 




It was the fact that they had lost another battle they wanted to strive in. 

"Mr. Matthew Rivera was reported missing yesterday morning," the detectives concluded which made Abbey hitched her breath. The tears fell down with warmth at her cheeks and she sobbed. She clasped the blanket, put it on her face, and hid her entire identity as her shoulders shook. Abbey hovered it all over her body, concealing her back a little, ended exactly at the middle.