Eddy pov

Making my way to my seat. My friend Sandy come into my face with his grin bigger then his head,

"Cheer up mate... we going to holiday"

"Yeah...yeah... i'm ecstatic"

Before we drift far into our conversation the flight attendance make an announcement,

We will land shortly she said. Well here we go Las Vegas .

You see me and my friend Sandy here, are going to attend his sister wedding and might as well taking some time to for enjoy our self out from London metropolis the busyness the hoar in the morning.

We end up in car drive by Sandy sister in law he is from groom side of family say Sandy.

"We're going to have so much fun Ed cheer up."

Sandy bugging my shoulder

"I just..." sigh" nothing maybe jet leg get better of me" .

"I can show you few place before the wedding next week yeah?"

Our driver Milo said while looking at me on the side mirror smiling.

"Sure thanks"

They keep talking while i try to sleep and i'm gone by the second i close my eyes.

"Ed... Eddy .... wake up ed.. we're here... wake up sleepy head"

Open my eyes to be greet by massive hotel entrance in front of me. Trying to keep my heart in check. I have heard Sandy sister, Sammy future husband is millionaire, but aren't this too excessive? This hotel basically Haven on earth. My eyes wide open admiring the beauty of the interior. The ceiling was full of mural painted with Roman and Greek illustration.

Even the elevator was huge enough to put a crowd in it. I was given my room card just now and i'm heading to mine on 17 floor.

The view from my veranda is breathtaking. I can see far to the horizon. The cold of the air... the warm of the city

Racing into my nostril. I let my self laying on the bed. Reaching my phone in my back pocket checking the time. Its two in the afternoon in London, i need to call my mum. Sliding the contact info clicking to my mum number.

"Hey mum.. i'm safe"

"Eddy.. thank God are you felling well love?"

"Yes mum i'm resting just call to let you now that's it."

"You have fun there you heard me ?"

"Sure thing mum.. i'll come to see you when i'm back to London yeah?"

"Sure love... take care. "

My mum and me more like awkward best friend then a family you see.

We talk about all thing but keep all thing by our self as well.

Fugged... i need some sleep. Before long i heard knocking on my door.

"Ed..Eddy... let go on voyage .. " Sandy come in shouting as he think the whole hotel won't heard him.

"Slow down will ya."

"My fellow sailor we need to go voyage in conquest to conjure this land lad..."

"Sire i need no women to satisfied my mento " i end up giving up. "I need no rum just vodka my sire."

"Come on lad... let we go Concord this Sin City" dramatic Sandy banging on my bed.

Sighing i freshen up my self. Secure my wallet and phone into my back pocket,

After twenty minutes later we reach this fancy rich looking bar. We showed to the vip area by attendance.

"Well aren't this place look posh" i said to Sandy

"Yeah.. may Sister fiance own this club with his two other friends" he whispering yelling" we can get anything its on the house"

"Are we? Then ill my self wild then."

I went to the bar tender " tequila on shot keep it coming" i said and receive nod as an answer.

After few shot i lost count. My eyes wandering to find Sandy hoping to see him in the sea of men and women apparently. I stand up but end up stumble on person back.

"I'm so sorry sire.. i'm looking for my companion sorry to bug you" i said as i bow down but having trouble to keep my footing.

I turn my body without having any problem but my feet tangling almost stumble again. Before my face meet the cold floor my body being held by pair or arm around my torso.

"Hey there buddy you okay?"

"Thank you young sire" i said with my drunk voice. "But at least bring me to dinner before you hug me"

I earn a big smile and one smirking eyebrow and small chuckle

"Here you want me to call anyone? " the unknown person said. As he help me sit on the stool beside bar.

"What a pleasant young sire you are.. it is okay sire.. i stay in this hotel itself... but my i brought you drink,?"

"Gentlemen englishman i see" he sat beside me

"The name is Ed.. Eddy Jamwi Montegro " i slip out my hand and he shook my hand

"My name is Rory"

"Ohh like the Rory ?... THE Rory Falis?"

"That's me... " took a vodka shot

"Well hello.. i'm a fan... big fan if i must said... "

"Are you now?... you barely recognize me earlier.. "

"Ahh dimlock.,, fineee its my Mum and sister who adore you much.. "i took another scotch shot .

And now i lost count and i don't remember anything else. Aren't we all not remembered.

Wake up with huge headache is not good. I open up my eyes just to meet the shine of ray on my face.

Look around me and saw my all my clothes on the floor. As i glance to my body. My eyes wide open with horror.. there's a arm on my stomach and hairy that's mean its not women arm.. wait.. my below parts does not feel sore.. that's mean i'm safe. I turn my head to my side and my body stiff as i held my breath. The horror in my heart is beyond human capability. I knew him from somewhere... i know i had saw him somewhere but that not the point now. I shook him lightly as he open his eyes.. he jump of the bed standing up with his birthday suit. I turn my head as he realise he was Bare.

"He grab his boxer as fast as possible but stay stiff as the linen touch his bum.

"Auch....! Why is my bum feel sore" he said.

I turn my head to meet his face with red blushing and ashame

"I'm so sorry we might have sex last night" i don't dare to face him i look down.

"What!! We have sex and i'm the one with sore?" He rage raging forward towards me but get halt by his pain in his bum. "Auch... that's going to be hurt.." he sat at the end of the bed as he pick his shirt.

"Look i am sorry for last night but i don't remember anything at all., how did we get end up here anyway?"

"Fuck... is not you the one with sore ass... ashole!"

"And i am sorry again for that but i'm sure we both like it as my back feel ache from your scratch" i retort

"Whatever dude...this is never happen i'm not gay and i have reputation to keep.. so if you may please keep this between us."

"I'm not gay as well don't worry i'm not ready to tarnish my reputation as well."

I was picking up my shirt when i saw an big white envelope beside my pants. As i open it up my eyes open wide as it can be. I rub my eyes few times as i can't believe what i saw.. a marriage certificate . Its has my name below Rory Aston Falis as well its was signed me!

"Hey mate.... what's your real name? As your full name?"

"Why in the Hell you need to know that? " he tidying his clothes as he put on his pants.

"Is it Rory Aston Falis?"

"How did you know ?"

"Then fudgess!!! " i run my hand to my hair rubbing my temple.

"What?" Rory walk towards me with his funny walking

"We might had got married last night" i sigh as i hand his the envelope.

Rory eyes become wide open with expression that i can't discipire.

"Edward montegro IV?" He said with shook " as Prince Edward Montegro IV the England Royalty Prince?" Rory look at me with stiff body and wide eyes. I nodded.

He fell to the floor his hand was in the air rubbing his temple as well.

"And you Rory Falis the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood right now." I said. "Now what?" He looks like he was thinking

"And now we fuck up" he said laughing...

i rise my eyebrow to his action. "What do you mean fuck up? You want to have sex again?" He stop abruptly turn his head to me as I've grown a second head.

"Noo dude.. i m...ean your Highness we mess up big time...we screw up big"

Rory quickly find his phone open it up. And after few minutes he left a sigh of relief .

"Thank Haven there is no scandal or news about us in the net."

Oh my Heaven how can i forgot about that! I reach my phone and scroll through the internet but find nothing.

"Now what your Highness? " Rory ask me.

"First of all you need to stand up and sit there at the chair." He try to stand but his bum must be hurting him since he seem uncomfortable. I stand up giving him my hand. Help him to stand and sit." Second of all call me Ed or Eddy by any mean."

"Yes your hig...Ed... "

"We need ibuprofen and coffee or tea for this" i pick up room service and order some ibuprofen and coffee for him and tea for me.. "

He reading our marriage certificate " who is Sandy Alfredo ?"

"He is my butler and my best friend why?"

"Well he and my brother is our witness"

"Why am i not shocking? Well of course that mofos ruler would let me do this!" My headache become more severe.

"We need to call them and figure this out Ed" he turn his attention to his phone as he talking to his brother i click to Sandy cell.

After few ring the call connected.

"Good morning Eddy"

"Don't you good morning me mister! Get your fat bum here now!" I said rough

"Yes your Highness " Sandy reply fast.

As we sigh for the hundred time.

And now we need plan.
