
I wake up alone with a note on Rory pillow.


Going to NYR for my last show. I didn't wanna wake you up.  You look so cute and peaceful. If you wake up in time, the show start on eleven.i already preset the radio at the living room you just need to turn it on. And you can start packing we can go back to the palace today if you like. I will be back as soon as possible. I see you as soon as i can.



Smiling i pick up my phone. Five more minutes until his interview start. I'll be dammed if i miss it. Scrambling out of bed i walk to the entertainment center to power on the radio.

A commercial  for toothbrush come over the speaker as i text Eli and my mum.  About where my husband station interview on.

"Welcome to New york Downtalk with JJ and Kali. Where we brings you the latest talk of the town and where the star meet the fans" a female voice echo all over Rory living room as i walk over the kitchen. "I am JJ and we're here today with the amazingly Rory Falis..welcome Rory, its an honor to have you here with us in the Studio"

His beautiful chuckle come next  " thanks guys thank you for having me here and it is my privilege"

When i heard his voice i sigh its warm  like a blanket warping you on the cold days. Its warm and secure.

"We originally ask you here to talk about your newest movie -Salon'- grabbing everyone attention now days since it has been hit the theater. But like most of the world, we saw Good Morning New york show"


smile as i open the cupboard grab and  pulling  out the ingredient for pancake.

" well .. i'm not surprise if i must say i figure that will be topic for today."

"How could it no be?" Kali ask.

"I suppose you're  right" Rory conformed.


"Would you fill up the listener who happen miss out your surprise and wonderful   interview last week?" JJ prompted him.

Clearing his voice my Husband begin. "Last month i got married to my best friend and love of my life. "

Opening the fridge i pull out some wet ingredient  along with extra egg ,cheese, maple and fruit.

"Who also happen to be?" Kali trails off.

Rory let a light laugh "who happen to be the one and only the magnificent handsome and cute my husband  Prince Edward of England."

"How is this happen? Its is one of the biggest Scandal of the year if i must say."

How rude... that's it. I decided i'm going to buy that radio station and get her fire! As  i start mixing the batter together from my memory. I love cooking.. my mum taught me how.

"First of all its not a scandal" my husband retort " i love him very much, there is nothing outrageous about it. It might be a lot of shocking  yes" yes you goo husband! As i reach the pan hanging below the cupboard. Sitting it on the stove. " but he is the best thing happen to my life and me. Unless he tell me to leave there's nothing else  can keep me away from him."

"Scandal indeed sound wrong",  JJ clarified his female co-host "what was she mean was no one saw this coming. When did you guys started? And how did you guys keep it from public eyes? "

"Eddy and i meet last year on the night Gala. We meet on a bar i've said this last week and i will say it again, we click off spot on, he took a bit of my effort to convincing him " Rory answer. Ohh that is his cover story okay..."as for keeping it from the public well we aren't doing a good job are we?" Rory commented half heartily.

  "I guess that's true "  the female laugh obnoxiously. clearly  try to flirt with my husband. "It sweet you guys have felling to each other. Is Prince Edward listening now?"

"He might be.. i didn't wake him up when i left this morning.. the past few days was hepatic and we is not your regular morning person."

"You wouldn't say that " JJ said.

"Yeah he is.. he like his morning is like unicorn non-existed "he laugh as i snort at the radio. "So he ether still in bed. Or making breakfast and beaming  at the radio with dirty look" 

He know me well.

"Which in case, i love you Eddy save some breakfast for me" i stick my tongue  out to the Radio as i pour batter on the hot pan.

"You want to call him to see if you in trouble? We would love him on our show." Kali suggest.

"No..no...no...!" I pray to the radio.

As if he heard me "sure" my husband said. Urgh....

My phone start ringing as i heard them punching the number

Running to the bedroom. Dive on the bed reaching my phone


Few second later i heard my self echo from the speaker

"Oh hey Ed... "my husband voice on the phone and come over the speaker second later.

Signing i walk out from the room heading to the living room. "Hold on Rory let me turn the  radio volume down." As i turn the  knob all the way down. As i sit down on the couch "okay i'm here"

"Welcome to the show your highness Prince Edward." JJ say to me as my timer goes off.

Popping out from my seat i make my way back to the kitchen.

"Oh fundgess " Rory laugh with the two host as i realise they might be sound as i respond to JJ " i mean thank you" i chuckle " i was making breakfast when you guys decided to call me,and forgot i had pancake on the pan , i don't need to burn the whole building down"

"What are you making babe?"

"Pancake with maple syrup, scramble egg and fruit salad" as i took out perfect cooked pancake from the pan.

He make sound of approval " will  you save some for me?"

"Your chance is like existence of my Unicorn " i mock distain as i decided not to pour new one until i off the phone.

"Auch " JJ laugh." So Prince Edward how is it being married to Rory Falis?"

"He snore" i tell them laughing, well he told them about my morning.

"I do not" my husband retort back.

I set the knives down  and lean again the counter. "You do.. you have this cute  wave resounding sound."

"You're liar" he laugh" you couldn't possibly know that... even a bomb denoted in our bedroom you won't budge a inch" 

I chuckle with him.  " no by all sincerity its has been the best few weeks of my life.but i want to clarified i not married to superstar Rory Falis.

"You are not?" Kali butt in.

I roll my eyes " no i married to Rory Aston Falis my husband and   he  just happen to be famous actors"

"Are you saying he's not everything the media report he be?"  JJ questioning me.

" he is..he is everything media made him out to be..but he also the kindred person i ever meet. Charming smile. Caring and sensible and " cough " a good kisser, but top all of that he utterly boring. Its not all those fancy thing with high life"

"Ahh i know what my husband trying to said." Rory come to my rescue"  he meant like last night we both had pasta literally at eleven in the evening. After my meeting we just logging around with only in our pyjama.  The night before we watching chick flick with popcorn on pull out couch. You see we kinda same with all the normal couple be."

"We just pretty normal newly wed couple " i shrieking to my self.

Kali giggle " as much as i see where you guys coming from i don't think there is any gay newlywed couple as interesting and famous both of you."

"That is so debatable" as we both chuckle.

"Well Prince Edward another one last question, and we will stealing your husband a while more" JJ said.

laugh half-heartily "its not stealing if i gave him to you"

"Hey" my husband mocking hurtly .

"What i really want to know is what was the  Royal Family react to your marriage?"

"Well believe it or not.. he has my family warp on his finger even before we married.. my mother The Queen and my sister Princess Elizabeth adore him so much.. Rory this.. Rory that.. Rory was so handsome, he was so manly" i mock the way my mum and Eli voice." Sometime i was even stress up watching his movie playing whenever we had movie night."

"Ohh really?" My husband seem boost in his ego.

"And now i regret every single thing i said."

They laughing. "Its was a pleasure talking to you your Highness sorry we almost cause you almost burn down the building"

I wave my hand in the air as if they can see me." Its okay Rory will pay for it"

"Hey not fair" my husband roll into our amusement.

"I'll see you when you get home...and Rory hurry up the food will get cold" i told him so he know he not really in trouble.

" i'll be there as soon as i can Eddy" i can hear a relaxation in his voice.

"Okay..i love you.." i said easily. The second it goes out from my mouth, my eyes grew wide and i slap my open O lips.

''I...i love you too..very much" after the shock ware out i can hear the sincerity in his voice.

I hang up the phone before i say anything . I can't believe i  had actually said it. It just slip out as it was natural.

Turning the radio volume up back.  For the rest of the show Rory soundly overly happy they ask about his newly movie. His planning for the future project..and somehow it does stung my heart when i heard he try to revert when ever his future project was mentioned.

I lost in my cooking world. The next thing i heard was the door jerk open with Rory strive in perplexed face. He close the door  without any words. Walking to me and stand in front of me, lock into my eyes as he studying something.

"Say it again" he challenge.

"Rory i don't think" 

He cut me off" just say it again" my eyes beg him but he shake  his head " i want to see your eyes when you say it...please say it again"

He just stare to my eyes as i try to read him.

"Just once" he pleading desperate.

I cave in " i love you"

Instead of saying it back. He warp his arm around my abdomen.  Smash our lips together , he makes the kiss playful  with random peck all over my face as he turn spin us around. I try to jerk him off me,

" that was the most beautiful uttered words i ever heard." He tell between kisses.

I lean back to lock into his eyes." You didn't say it back" 

"Yes i did.. i was stuttering first, but i was surprise you can blame me on that."  He try to reason.

I smile and lean kiss his nose." I mean just now.. you didn't say it back"

"Oh" he catches on and place peck on my lips" i love you"

I know he really mean it. But i do my best to put my confuses face." I'm not sure if i believe you"

"I love you" he kiss my lips. "I love you" he kisses my nose " i love you" kiss on my left cheek,"i love you" my right, i love you" he kiss my forehead, "i love you" he kiss my chin " i love you" he kisses my lips his last kiss lingering on my lips for a few second.

Yes... i love you Rory.