
Are you ready Rory?.. i ask my husband who standing beside me with his first Royal Suit. He look so handsome.

"Yes i am.. lets just get this thing done and go back to our room. "

"I always love how confident you are Rory." I grab his hand kiss it slowly. "Lets go"

"His Royal Highness Prince Edward" the palace attendance pause for a second before continue "his Royal Highness Prince Rory "

As on cue the ballroom huge door open wide and soft melodies music filling the air.

Both of us strove along the red carpet heading towards the main altar where my father standing along with my mother and my sister on the site.

Slowly walking with Rory in my arm. I try to give him much support as i can.

" Today we gather here in celebration of my son finding his other half and the love of his life. Proudly i present you prince Rory Aston Montregro!" The second my dad finished i feel Rory grub on my hand tightly. Damn it i forgot to tell him about the last name issue. He lean to my site.

"Eddy dear... mind to tell me when did i agree to change my name?" He said mocking with disdain."before i blew this ball upside down.. you have ten second" he said while giving to crowd fake smile.

"I'm sorry Rory i should have told you earlier..it must slip my mind." I said with hope it could make him cool down. "Please calm down.. you can shout at me once all this done.. i promise"

Still smiling he jerk his hand from mine.. bending towards me "you and your promise can go to hell Eddy i sick of your promise.. i swear once this stupid ball done.. i am done with your Royal shit!" He whisper. And give small gesture waving to the crowd.

My dad come to us with few delegation from other country in his tail.

"Rory this is Joan Leipasb Andwers..he is France right minister of Public.

"Hello good Day your Highness" Joan out his hand in the air.

"Bonjour bonjour le soir. Comment allez-vous? Mon nom est Rory."

(hello good evening sir. how are you? my name is Rory.)

His voice speaking in French making my dad and i startle. I never knew he can speak French. Sound sexsy .

"Ah .. Vous pouvez parler notre langue que je vois. Dans ce cas, mon nom est Joan. J'espère que nous pouvons être amis. Dites-moi si vous avez besoin d'aide pour pouvoir vous fournir."

(ah .. you can speak our language i see. in that case my name is Joan. hope we can be friend. tell me if you need any help i can provide.) Joan perplex but the awkward is all gone.

  "Puis-je vous faire quelque chose à boire?"

(can i get you anything to drink?) Rory ask him.

"Pas merci. Peut-être que l'un de ces gentilsliens voudrait."

  (no thank you. maybe one of these gentleman would like some.)

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Joan vous parler plus tard"

Joan nodded  as reply and excuses him self and give the next gentleman chance to talk with us.

Once more my dad act as middle man.

"Here is  Mr Santiago Merch. Prime minister of Spain"

Rory hand his hand first and Santiago shook it with anticipation

"You don't happen to know how to speak Spanish right your highness" he said joking.

" Luego siento que decepcionaría tu señor. En cuestión, de hecho, sé hablar en español. No mucho pero puedo sostener mi conversación."

(then i am sorry to disappointed your Sir. in matter in fact i do know speak in spanish. not much but i can hold my conversation.)

Rory with his head held high speak fluently and again making my dad and me speechless.

Santiago chuckle along with Rory. They speak a little bit more until he excuses him self. And making the next guy come forward claim the former place.

"Mr Devontae Rishe Head Secretary of Italy"

The guy smile and bow a little bit to Rory as Rory pull his hand to shook with the Italian guy.

"Aspirò solo che puoi parlare anche italiano? Come stai?"

(i will just assume you can speak italian as well? how are you, your highness)

Surprisingly Rory do can speak Italian as he reply in fluent accent as well.

"Allora devo vivere alla tua aspettativa. Posso parlare italiano"

(then i have to live to your expectation. i do can speak italian)

Damn is there anything else my husband can't do?

I saw my dad gaze fix on Rory as the letter entertain the delegate from various county   with  admiration.

I feel very proud of Rory Right now. So much as i smile brightly.

One after another coming towards us. As Rory hold the conversation with ease. We meet a few more people.

And Rory can speak Japanese as well.. he literally smash the Japan delegate mind speaking in Japanese. My dad smile proudly as he continue address Rory as his Son in law. In front of everyone .

I keep standing beside Rory as we walk trough the ball making gesture here and there, stop to talk with a few more people.

While we sitting on the chair. Rory personal guard Sulli if i not mistaken come and whisper something to Rory ears.

Rory eyes widening with serious face. Is something happen?

Rory whispering something back and Sulli goes back to his post with worried face.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing you should worried about" Rory don't even look at me.

"Hey.. tell me.. is there anything i can help?" I try to smooth his mood. I know he still angry about our last name issue. We never talk about it really, and i just assume he will be okay. But clearly i was wrong. I keep messing us up.

Rory didn't reply me as he took sip on a glass of water. He do drink a few glass of wine. We just happy for a second and it turn bad second later. Almost all the time is me who screw it up.

"And now lets us welcome His Royal Highness Prince Edward and His Royal highness Prince Rory to the dance floor for their dance of the night" palace emcee calling us.

"Lets just get this fucking stupid Ball end" Rory stand and grab a glass full of red wine and glob it all until empty and walk to the center of the the dance floor. I strive beside him and took my place.

He put his left arm to my shoulder and stick out the other. And i out my hand on his waist and cope his other hand in mine lock it. I look into his eyes but i find it empty without any emotion.

As we move while i'm guiding us. I close our distance and i lean to him.

"I am so sorry Rory.. i keep mess up." I expect an retort back but nothing. He still flashing his fake smile to the audience.

"Rory please say something, anything" i plead with my eyes. "I love you Rory please talk to me"

Sighning  " its the only thing i had to remind me of my father Eddy. And your fucking took it from me as well.. my last name is the only thing i had left. And i lose it as well" he try to control his raspy voice and his emotion. "Your family already took away my freedom. Do you must took my name as well?... who am i Eddy? Am i not a person?" He almost lose it.

Damn it i screw up big. Oh Lord

"Sulli just told me.. its you... you the one who change my name... how could you Eddy?....i am sorry i can't do this."

He loose his hand from me and walk away in hurried.

Before i can do anything Rory was gone from the Ball. My dad and  the guest gaze on me as i smile to them ensure them everything is fine.

I went out and try to locate Rory. As i past by looking his stiletto i curse my stupidity. I need to salvage this.

Fishing out my cell i call to Sandy.

"Sandy i need you to change Rory name back to his old name. Falis instead of Montregro. Now!"

"Is everything alright Eddy?"

"Yes...no.... just do it now.."

"Alright Eddy i'm on it"

I run trough the back garden and saw Rory new bodyguard August standing on parlor.

He lightly to me as i walk towards him.

"Where is he?" I ask him.

"Prince Rory is taking strove inside the rose garden, your Highness"

I run inside toward the east part of the garden where the roses planted,

I saw Rory with two of his Body guard the girl name June and Danny.

He saw me coming and gesture his bodyguard to go away giving us some private. 

"Hey Rory.. what are you doing here"

"What do you want Eddy?" Cold in his voice reach my soul.

"I am sorry Rory... please let me fix this please."

"Never mind.. i've already issue to Sulli he will take care of it, i don't need you to do anything to screw up anything again"

"Give me another chance please Rory.. i love you Rory please"

"I do love you too Eddy but now i don't know if i believe it anymore. Lets get divorce when the one year ups. For now let us live our life as a marriage couple... don't worry i will fulfilled all my duty and all my obligation as a Royal family. "

"Rory i know i've screw up.. but please i love you so much.. let me prove to you."

"Eddy i'm your husband.. not your subject. I should be standing beside you not below you. You don't have any right to make decision for me!... its my last name! My fucking last name that i had left from my dead Father! You don't have the right to took it fucking away from me!" He shout on my face. I deserve it, even if he punch me... i deserve it,

"One last chance that all i ask.. "i plead pulling his hand into mine.

'Rory please i can't lose you.. you the only one i need please...i give my last promise.. i will talk to you about everything before making any decision.. all i ask is one last chance. "

He pull my hand turn his gaze away from me. He's walking away. And i just standing there broken my tears.

"One last chance Eddy that's all you get dont let me down again and dont let me regret it too." He said without turn back.

" i won't and you won't!" I said excitedly.

"Now let go sleep i'm tired" he said and not waiting me. I just run to him. Having him beside me and i don't mind being below him.in bed of course..