A Fair King

The weather was so nice and pleasant. The Lower town and High town people could be seen busy with their daily activities.

The Kingdom of Autumnshell was one of the greatest and biggest Kingdoms in middle-earth. People from far and near traveled for months just to step in this wonderful Kingdom to experience the feeling of the famous King's market.

The beauty of the Lower town and High town even the castle was enough to get them transfixed in a spot for hours.

The castle which was the tallest building in the palace was beautifully built with bricks that even a cannon ball cannot penetrate. They had the best defence syestem that the last attack on the Kingdom was fifteen years ago.

The castle was visible from any angle in the Kingdom and it was so big that people that counted the windows concluded it had two hundred windows while some said it was only two hundred and ten.

People strive just to get into the castle to peek at the palace or even to take a glance at the Royal Paradise Garden which they described as magestic. The beautiful flowers were out of this world but what most were curious about was the King.

King Xanxier Otis. He was the King of Autumnshell, he used to wear cloths fitted only for a King and his long pale hair almost white was always braided to the back in different styles.

The only thing people were curious about was the veil he used to cover his face, only his deep glassy bright blue eyes that seemed to be glowing, smooth forehead, his straight white eyebrow and his extremely long white hair almost silver reaching his waist could be seen. The dark veil covered his nose and mouth and stopped at his mid chest.

People wondered about his face and each had painted different pictures of how their King looked like in their minds. Some said he had bad teeth, some said his mouth was too wide, others said he had a lot of scars on his face. Some even said he had an incurable disease that spoilt and melted his face from his nose downward and each and everyone with their opinion.

King Xanxier could be seen in his throne room sitting on the throne like it was just made for him. He was spotted in red robes with golden embroidery, his dark veil in place his hair braided beautifully like it was knitted and it flowed down his back.

"Now speak" His deep rich voice could sent thousand of shivers down people's spine and it was one of the reason people fear and respect him.

A woman dressed in fancy emerald gown with a golden necklace stepped forward. A child not more than two years old in her arms. "Your Majesty my name is Helda, I just hired this servant and she tried to poison my son." She complained

The King's guide Lord Daminas who seemed to be pushing his sixties motion for the servant to step forward and say her part.

A young girl whose face was bruised in many places sobbing silently stepped forward. "Your Majesty." She fell on her knees and kowtowed "I can never cause my mistress and her son any harm I was only feeding my mistress son." She cried.

"I saw you sprinkled some black substance in his food." Helda accused her.

"What is your name child?" Daminas asked.

"My name.... is Ocean." She raised her head still sobbing as she planted her hands on the floor.

"Where is the black substance Ocean?" Xanxier asked. He liked addressing his people with their names to make them feel relaxed and to know he was fully immersed in being the adjudicator.

Ocean brought out a folded leaf which a smooth black substance was in it. She handed it to Daminas which he handed to a young boy that quickly hurried off. "Your Majesty this is only a mixture of elderberry and echinacea to help my mistress son break through his fever." She cried.

"Where is the child's food?" Xanxier demanded and another serving girl stepped forward holding a bowl of pap. "Give it to her let her drink the content."

Ocean collected the bowl trying to steady her shaky hands as she drank the content and they all waited but she seemed okay.

"There are a lot of poison that take slowly effect." Xanxier stated.

"I dare not your Majesty." Ocean knocked her head three times on the floor which made a few in the courtroom cringed slightly at the sound it made.

The young boy came back and said some things to the King's guide.

"It is only elderberry and echinacea." Daminas stated. "It helps in breaking fever."

Helda gasped "No it can't be."

"How long as she been serving you?" Xanxier asked as he shook out his sleeves, his eyes narrowed like he was bored.

"Almost.... a... year now your Majesty." She stuttered her eyes darting from Ocean to Xanxier fearfully.

"Do you have any idea your son has a fever?" Xanxier asked as he focusing his attention on Helda who was now shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other, It was totally unladylike.

"No my lord." She replied, her eyes dart at the court officials when they gasped. She started to panic wondering why they were all looking at her like they just received a shocking news.

"Our King is no Lord, we do not refer his Majesty as a Lord! A Lord is bellow his Majesty son of the Heaven" Daminas scolded her like he just stated the obvious

Helda quickly fell on her knees. "Forgive me your Majesty, I am wrong."

Xanxier doesn't understand why his father made that rule of never referring the King as a Lord. "If you are taking care of your child you wouldn't have to be suspicious." They don't have to tell Xanxier that the woman was a business woman who entrusted her child in the hands of her servants. His gaze fell on Ocean. "Where did you get those bruises?"

"I...I....I... got... I... got... " Ocean stuttered.


Ocean got startled. " My mistress hit me."

Xanxier turned to the woman. "I will give you two options, one turn all your servants in and stay with your child for a period of two month or stay in the dungeon for three month for one bringing in false news, two wasting my time! and three for accusing someone wrongly and hitting her."

Helda released the breath she didn't know she was holding. "I choose the first option your Majesty."

Xanxier could see how the two servant present seemed happy as they tried to conceal their smiles. "You mustn't hire a servant for the whole two months, I will release them to you in two month time and you must be fair and just." He stated.

"Thank you your Majesty." Helda said and bowed deeply.

"Minister of affairs." Xanxier called.

"Yes Your Majesty." A bulky man in his official court uniform stepped out.

"Find out how many servants she has and make sure they settle in." Xanxier gave his orders since he wanted to retire early, he had not been resting well for the past week.

"I will be on it your Majesty." Wenga bowed.

"Court dismiss." Xanxier stood up as they all bowed. He shook out his sleeves walked out majestically. Four guards and Daminas trailing behind him.

He walked to his quarters as the two guards by the door bowed and opened the massive tall polished and beautifully carved door. He walked in with Daminas and one of the guard without a helmet.


"Your Majesty." The guard without the helmet replied.

Xanxier turned to his personal guard. "Have Quotos bring my dinner."

"Your Majesty." Kale bowed and left.

Xanxier could feel his back hurting, he woke up early and went hunting in the woods, he even killed a boar and after he went to court meeting to listen to the report on Autumnshell. The taxes gathered, the defense system, the well being of his people then solving his people's cases brought to him as he deemed fair.

He walked to his private dinning which Daminas quickly pulled out a chair for him to sit.

"It is I Quotos." The maid servant made her arriver announcement as she stepped into the room with a tray. She bowed and set the tray on the table. She opened the bowls lid and a soothing aroma occupied the whole room, she poured him wine and a cup of water before stepping to the side bowed and left to stay in the private meeting hall.

Xanxier removed his veil and started eating. "Daminas you should sit and eat too."

"Your Majesty is considerate but this oldman is watching his diet." Daminas said as he lowered his head to stare at his feet to avoid looking at Xanxier.

Xanxier only sighed as he continue eating his vegetables in his chicken soup. He ate half of his meal and he felt so tired and a little dizzy.

"Daminas I will retire to my chamber." He stood up and went into the inner room, climbed his massive soft bed and closed his eyes and he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.