Second Wife

They stopped in front of a gate and there Kamigani saw the nameplate with 'His highness villa.' written boldly on it.

The villa stood high and wide, painted in grey while the pillars were painted maroon, the courtyard was neat, colourful flowers growing at a small garden at the left which was clearly taken care of and Kamigani almost smiled when she noticed orchids among them. It was one flower she loved having around it makes her calm.

Kamigani was still looking around wondering if all palaces consist of all the villas and small magnificent residences they passed by when Quotos pulled her to the entrace which the two guard at the door stepped aside opening the massive bronze door for them.

Quotos led the way and what Kamigani saw was an open space which was just a massive living room divided by the wall painting into two. The first part painted grey was filled with couches mostly arrange in a way to see the space created at the front as a stage and some servants were busy cleaning the tables and dusting the chairs even though there was noting to clean.

The other part was painted maroon, some women and men dressed in luxurious robes looking flashy sat round the couches talking and drinking, a musician was at the corner playing flute while some dancers with heavy makeup danced gracefully. None of them look towards their direction and with the corner of her eyes Kamigani saw Ienlouch sitting among them. Two women at his side and one was leaning towards him, her low cut dress pushed up her heavy breast sat on his arm while whispering something to him.

Kamigani knew it wasn't her business what Ienlouch does so she looked away when he caught her gaze. He clearly doesn't look uncomfortable. They took a flight of stairs passing some servants holding jugs of wine.

"There are a lot of servants here." Kamigani emphasised pointing out that Vane had a clearly hidden motive.

"Yes." Quotos feigned innocent ignoring the irony. The stairs led to the second floor, the floors were shining and it was breathtaking almost glittering reflecting the golden high ceiling. Quotos led her down a corridor with lit beautiful lanterns hanging down from the ceiling. They stopped at a door where a guard stood, Quotos grabbed the tip of Kamigani's sleeve to shake her out of her trance as she handed the jug over to her. The guard opened the door and Quotos nodded and gestured for her to go in.

Kamigani stepped into the room as the door closed behind her, she found herself in a small recieving room where visitors can wait. It was plain neither decorated with only two couches and a table with a tray of tea set on it. She walked into a small passage way and stopped in front of a door.

She stared at the door debating to knock or just enter, she shrugged opening the door and stepped inside. It was a living room and the atmosphere was warm and she could perceive a sweet smell, she looked around, the walls was painted in a lighter shade of gold and even the two couch in the room was made with golden leather. The ceiling was also high and a bit in a darker shade of brown just like the floors. The windows drapes were also a darker colour.

There were jasmine growing in beautiful brown flower pot at each corner of the room clearly the source of the sweet smell.

A small flower pot was sitting on the single table in the room she moved towards it to see jasmine that hadn't bloom, she couldn't help but feel like she was spying when the door at the corner of the room opened a deep laughter drifted with the air almost vibrating the walls, her eyes fixed on the entrace where a guard holding a letter exist. The guard didn't spare her a glance, his brows scrunched and his gaze on the letter he was holding, he walked out of the room.

She sighed and she approached the entrance to peek since the guard didn't close the door and right there on the bed at the middle of the large decorated room was Vane, two women were laying by his side, one wrapped her arms around his neck. He was laughing fishing out a grapefruit from the jar on the bed and placed it in between his teeth and directed it to the woman at his right side who didn't hesitate to lay her upper body on him, her tongue flicked over the grape and Vane lower lips. Vane chuckled and swallowed the grape before she leaned in and captured his lips....

"I brought wine my Lord." Kamigani announced since she couldn't watch anymore of their shameless display since she knows they clearly noticed she was standing right at the entrance.

They deepened the kiss, Vane groaned as the loud sound of lips smacking filled the whole room. They broke off as Vane looked satisfied trying to catch his breath. "Now ladies lets enjoy some wine."

"You are such a charmer your Highness." The one with her arms around his neck giggles as she untangled herself from him.

"Yes I am." Vane said turning to Kamigani and he looked a bit surprised. "I clearly told that serving girl to send you at night." He grumbled before fixing his cloths.

Kamigani stood by the door not knowing what to do, she clearly doesn't want to serve them wine. She only moved and placed the jug on the table nearest to her showing she wasn't kin on moving to the bedside table.

"I think she is just a slut that can't wait to join us." The other woman in the room glared at Kamigani.

"Shhhhh my darling." Vane shushed her. "You can't talk to my future concubine like that." He snapped jumping out of the bed looking a bit offended as he fixed his robes properly.

Kamigani took a shallow breath trying to control the anger that was ready to burst out. It was time like this she was glad she could mask her anger with an impassive look. What was he talking about? a future concubine.

"You are really such a beauty." He moved towards her stopping just a few feet to her as his eyes trailed her from head to toe before walking around her with a satisfied smirk on his lips. "What do you think ladies?" He licked his lips his eyes starting to cloud with lust.

"She is just a girl." The one who was passionately kissing him sneered clearly annoyed at the intrusion.

"Don't be jealous.. Lulu." He stepped back as his gaze met Kamigani's "You will be my second wife." He declared.

Kamigani hands shook slightly. Her mind drifted to the worst punishment she would receive if she decided to grab and smash the jug of wine on his head and take one of the broken pieces to slash his throat making her move so fast that he would be laying on the floor, blood gushing out of his throat before he realised what happened to him. Clutching his throat while she watches him die. She would probably get a death sentense after that.

"I am his Majesty's personal maid." She said through gritted teeth as she clinched her fists under her sleeve trying to suppress herself from clearing the smirk off the narcissist man face.

"When we marry, you will have all the richest you ever wanted, you will be my concubine as soon as you marry me you will know all the plans I have for you... do you know what I mean? " He said taking one of her braids. It was just like fine silk to the touch.

Kamigani could clearly see he was delusional. Who said she wanted some richest, who said she wanted to marry. She didn't say a word till Vane started trailing his finger on her face. It was like ants crawling over her face and she hated it making her feel disgusted. She grabbed his finger slightly and about to give him a piece of her mind when she had someone cleared their throat. They both turned to see the guard at the door and next to him was Daminas.

"As his Majesty's personal maid you shouldn't dally around and you should be serving him." Daminas scolded her which made Vane snicker clearly irritated with the interruption as he withdrew his hands.

"Daminas." He grunted. "What is with the invasion of privacy!" He demanded.

Kamigani eyes flicked to the two women that was glaring at her as they approached to bow at Daminas.

"My apologies." Kamigani said turning to Daminas and bowed almost exhaling a relieved sigh.

"You cannot keep his Majesty's maid Lord Vane under any circumstances or reason." He stated sharply. "Now go and serve his Majesty's wine, he is at the royal paradise garden."

Kamigani doesn't have to be told twice as she almost snatched the porcelain jug of wine on the table making her way out clearly satisfied with the low groan of protest from the two women. She exit the room without even bowing to Vane a satisfied smirk on her lips.