
A pink dress, small hands and small feets in a cute pink shoes. The small hands holding a woven pink rabbit doll clutching it to her chest, standing on her toes she tried to turn the door knob but the door refused to bulge.

She was in a small cold dark room. The only source of light was the small lantern hanged on top of a steel door indicating it was night time. There was a small window on the roof but the ceiling was so high and the room contained only a big soft bed which looked new with white sheets.

She placed the doll on her head and grabbed the knob with her hands, she turned it right and left pulling it as she grunted breathing hard, her legs shaking and her toes starting paining her, her back drenched in sweat. She stepped back when her toes was ready to give way. She took a deep breath taking few steps back but she would not give up. She almost tipped over the porridge in a white bowl placed on the floor.

"Ha...." She yelled running over to the door and jumped latching on the knob, her doll fell in the process but she continued turning the door knob aggressively but it didn't work and she ended up falling on the floor, Her doll already flinged to the corner of the room. Seeing this her eyes widen scrambling in a hurry to her feet, she ran to carry the doll carefully.

Clutching her doll she quietly sat on the floor and starting stroking its head. "I am so sorry, did it hurt?" She turned the doll checking for any injury before dusting the dirt of it. "Kamigani will be alright..." She declared and her mouth starting quivering making her burst into tears and she cried, clutching her doll rocking back and forth, her nose started running and she used the tip of her dress to wiped it off. She cried until she had no more tears to shed, she touched her eyes guessing it would had been swollen and bloodshot.

She closed her eyes trying to sleep but she started feeling dizzy and nausea. The aroma of the food placed in the bowl few feet from her was making it worst. She wanted to scream for them to take the food away but her voice was hoarse from crying too much.

To get rid of the food she used her feet to tip over the bowl only for the porridge to sip out from the over turned bowl. She got scared thinking the scary lady would be back and beat her if she sees the mess she made.

She started panicking and quickly moved to the bowl, using the spoon to pack the spilled porridge in the bowl when she heard a door open. She quickly used her small hands to pack the rest in and quickly rubbed the floor clean with her dress. The key giggling at the other side of the door made her quickly scoot over to the corner of the room, she wanted to get far away from the door as possible.

The door opened with a creak which made her clutch tightly to her doll, closing her eyes she bent her head rocking back and forth praying to Heaven the scary lady would not notice the mess she made.

"Kamigani will be alright, momo will save us." Her pattern of speech wasn't clear but she started shaking, hot tears rolling down her eyes. Her heart in her throat fearing of being hit.

"Ungrateful wretch didn't eat her food." A terrifying small sharp voice sing-song to show she was enjoying tormenting the small girl. Her boots echoing with each step she took purposely coming closer slowly. "Raise your head!" She commanded.

The small girl jolted and opened her eyes, she couldn't make out the terrifying figure's face but she knows it was the scary lady and could see she was dressed in male clothing holding a sword and the bowl of porridge. The figure placed the bowl in front of her and produces a cup of water.

The white porridge was now a brown colour mixed with the dirt. "Kamigani will be alright, Kamigani will be alright"

"Shut up!" The woman yelled giving a slap on her cheek which made the girl fall on the cold floor. The girl cried out in pain and confusion and the woman yanked the doll from her throwing it far to the corner of the room. "Dirty girl!" Her voice dipped with venom.

"I will tell momo! " The girl yelled only to be rewarded with another slap on her cheek. She cried, her hands trembling placing it over the swollen check that was itchy and painful. Her mouth quivering staring over at her doll at the corner of the room which seemed twisted.

"Eat your food." The woman commanded but the girl didn't move to touch it, her gaze on the doll. "Or I cut that rag doll to pieces!" The woman unsheathed her sword and showed it to her to back up her threat.

The small girl eyes widen in fear staring at how shiny the sword was. She started trembling, her mouth quivering forgetting the throbbing pain in her cheek, she carried the bowl slowly with her tiny hands to avoid it spilling and started eating the porridge. It was so cold and disgusting, sand sticking to her teeth as hot tears rolled down her eyes.

"Boss will be angry if he discovers how you treat her." A deep voice rang out.

"I just hate them!" The woman snapped. "Those stupid high born." She snickered watching how the girl ate her food. The girl eating fast not bothering to chew only swallowing the content straight. The woman walked over to the doll and grabbed it squeezing it so hard, gripping the sword hilt tightly in her hand.

"Just leave it." The other voice said. "Don't be petty."

"Watch your tongue if you don't want me to gut out your liver." The woman threatened.

The small girl didn't bother to look at the man, it was the first time in days she would hear a voice other than the scary lady but she didn't raise her head fearing of being hit again. She raised the bowl to her small lips drowning the content in a rush before the woman murder her companion and she drank the water emptying the cup in a few gulp.

"Fine." The other deep voice said retreating. The sound of boots fading away.

The woman snorted checking to see the girl was done. She placed the cup in the bowl and carried it walking towards the door. She snorted and throw the doll to the small girl before walking out. Banging the door shut and it shook on its hinges even making the lantern sway. The sound of the door being locked could be heard.

The girl released a relieve breath when the woman left, she crawled to her doll when she started feeling some slight pain in her stomach but she ignored it carrying her doll carefully. She turned it to see it was now dirty and no injury was sustained, she starting dusting the dirt off it and she started crying knowing the terrifying woman almost murdered her companion.

Kamigani gasped as she jump into a sitting position. It was only a dream. The dream felt so real she could feel her hot cheeks and the sand mixed with the porridge in her mouth.

She lifted her hand to wipe off a tear. She was still feeling drowsy but she doesn't want to sleep and continue the terrifying dream.

"What a terrifying woman." She sat on the bed thinking of standing up to check the mirror but her legs would not obey her. She blinked a few times, it was dark and Winter was no where in sight. She tried to think if it was just a dream or a forgotten memory. She laid on the bed only for sleep to envelope her.