Intelligent Conversation

The lesson lasted for 3 hours, including what Damian had missed, and everything she had explained and taught was only the basics of cultivation that were very simple.

Everybody in the class, excluding Damian's friends, already knew what she was teaching, yet her class was always fully enrolled by students who would only enrol into her class to gaze at her beauty.

A few of the students sat at the front attempting to win over their teacher were very powerful in comparison to Damian and were Red Ranked Students, including the student who commented on Damian.

But Damian ignored them, not caring about their comments and sensing that they were much more powerful than him.

Damian, after a few minutes of being in the lesson, couldn't help but fall asleep.

What she was teaching was too basic for Damian who had memorised and understood the basic Overview of Cultivation and the elements in the Golden Flame Inheritance, that was much more detailed and profound.