Heading Out

Damian and Milo both couldn't wait for the morning and as soon as the sun began to rise, so did they.

Both were excited for their own reasons.

Damian was excited to complete his first mission and travel independent of his mother and also battle against a beast and Milo also excited to go on a mission but was more excited and curious to find out what Damian's solution was to his problem and whether it would truly be successful.

Waking up they both scrambled to get ready and Damian opened his door to find an excited Milo already stood there.

"Are we going yet?" asked Milo eagerly.

"After we get something to eat" answered Damian, feeling hungry.

The academy meals weren't very large, and for a growing and active youth, it wasn't much.

Although he was cultivating and had Internal Energy that could sustain his body, Damian hadn't reached a cultivation level that he could go without food and sleep and he still needed to eat.