Berserk Boar Beast Part 1

The boar beast wildly charged towards Damian within the forest aiming to pierce him with its tusks.

Damian who no longer had any liabilities around him that he had to worry about and was completely focused on the beast before him.

Damian stood with his back to a large tree as the boar beast charged towards him with great speed and power.

Just as the boar beast's tusks were about to strike Damian, he suddenly dodged to the right with great explosive power.

The beast moving at such great speeds couldn't stop and its momentum propelled it forwards as its tusks struck the large tree that Damian was standing in front of.

Damian's plan had succeeded, but looking at the beast he was disappointed to see, that even after striking the tree with such force, the beast's tusks were not broken.

However, the beast was still restrained and was struggling to pull out its tusks from the tree.