Trial Part 2

The word that there was a trial for an Outer Academy student spread throughout the academy like wildfire. Trials were not something special in the academy and there were many trials over disputes that would be judged by an elder that had a high position, who was expected to be fair.

However, this particular trial caused such a large commotion and disturbance because Damian was quite well known in the academy, especially the Outer Academy, and the feat he was able to accomplish against his 3 challengers, that were of the 3rd rank, was incredible.

Damian's friends were all extremely worried about what would happen to Damian next, and the only person they could think of going to, to help him, was their class representative Ivan.

He was weird, and they weren't sure of who he really was, but what they did know was that he was very powerful and capable and was fond of Damian.