FIRST DAY of her Work ....(1)

After coming out from 'The Boss Office' she sat ouside waiting area in deep thinking of punishment. Assistant SU came after her and saw towards her and said----" MISS SAHAR ! I hope you are okay . No need to be worry . Just stay like how you are .(smiled)

SAHAR also gave back a smile to him as accepting her punishment.

SAHAR :- What have I to do this whole week?

Assistant SU :- As you like you can enjoy yourself in XUO COMPANY or you can entertain the boss (smirk)

SAHAR :-- I want (entertain my foot.....I want to beat your boss)... I want to fullfill my punishment to get back my job.

Assistant SU :-- No need of hiding ! You can express your true feeling to me if you want to , I won't tell him (to boss) .

SAHAR :-- (smiled)....Thank you....I leave first or he will punish you with me....(left)

Behind her MR.SU murmured , "You are a intelligent girl miss SAHAR .so I have to keep my eyes and ears on you".(smiled)

SAHAR strolled around company to be familiar with it.Actually whole XUO company was divided in two Building parts . Right side building gave to all actors- actresses , artists ,directors & their manager under XUO COMPANY. Every floor had given to artist for their workshop area , program arrangements and other activities . Left side building part where she was right now had accounting department , public department and management department for Managers .vice C.E.O , directors , president , Head mangers and many more personal offices.

The boss office was on 16th floor where President office ,Mangers office , four assistant office , two biggest meeting room and corridors with good sight views.

The most beautiful thing in company was everywhere had a different plants in every corner of COMPANY . Everything was clean & peaceful in the XUO COMPANY.

she strolled around and was tired and it was 6 p.m time to off and go back home .She came down by lift and met SASY& DAISY .They both didn't know about her punishment yet.She took leave with them and went out from company to her destination "HOME".


When she was driving back to home thinking about what to tell her DAD about her job...

Her new boss has given her punishment for a week without payment and she isn't XUO COMPANY employees yet .what will she say to dad about her job?


SAHAR reached at CAFE where she entered in cafe for coffee . After taking her seat ,she said --"hey ! dear coffee ! see what am I facing because of one drop of yours....I am not blaming you but I am sharing my pain with you " .

Suddenly A man entered in Cafe with his three men and went towards second floor in their private room . She glimpsed at them and looked outside the window again.But what she didn't know that MAN had heard her conversation with coffee and turned back to see her when he was going upstairs.

SAHAR murmured to herself :-

" How have I to hide from DAD about my job ? He will find out the truth if I tell him about ' XUO COMPANY' where have I applied ?" (sigh)

Suddenly ,she received a call in her mobile . SAHAR saw the name on screen "DAD" and thought what to tell him about her job interview.

She stood up from her chair in her nervousness to pick up her mobile . CAFE was full of crowd so She found a place to talk to her dad out from crowd .She went CAFE's second private floor where was a open balcony area.

What she didn't know that , Inside the attached balcony private room four people were watching and listening only SAHAR. She leaned on a glass door and picked up her father's call.

'Hello ! DAD .....'

...(Neil was saying )

'It was good day. fin-ally, My int- inte-er-view has done. But I am not selected yet....They said ,they will check about my work process for a week and then they will decide '


'DAD ! calm down.... they are just doing their job . I already have no work experience . I have reached in city P just few days ago . So I have to learn for my future.'


'No name of company... till one week ! when I will get job one week later ,I will tell you .! okay....'

Suddenly a glass door opened and leaned SAHAR fell back with her mobile in someone's arms .She screamed a loudly (AHHH) Her eyes was closed out of sudden fall .

Her father was on call worriedly ask "Are you okay SAHO !" echoed to both MAN & SAHAR 's ears .

SAHAR opened her eyes but her world was opposite because she was looking A MAN Face from down chin to up gazzed eyes .The MAN was looking at her with serious face and stood her up properly to see her face to face .

SAHAR could listen her father was asking her about what happened ?

she put back her mobile on her ear and said -- ' Dad ! I am okay . I am coming back home soon, then I will tell you ' bye !(end her call)....

SAHAR turned to see the man who saved her right now from fall down .

'SORRY !... (pleading voice)...I mean....--SAHAR said.

"If you continued to lean against someone's door carelessly , then you will fall some day ,so be alert next time . Noone can save a leaning branch of tree" --man said

'SORRY again MR...! Actually I didn't know that this was a private room of yours with attached balcony . I even didn't know about the door too. It's looks just simple window. That's why I came here....Sorry ! '

"The second floor is known as private floor in this CAFE . It's seems simple but many more are hidden . So open your eyes and ears to watch carefully of your surrounding then You will save yourself from fall back ....(turned to entered in his room where three other men looking towards both with shocked face)"

'Sorry for your disturbance & Thank you ' --SAHAR loudly said.

"(Without turning back). You mostly like to say "sorry " more than another word "Thank you" ...It's alright....(entered in and closed the door)"

Outside the private room SAHAR with full of surprised , said --'Its true I says sorry more than other words.....I have to change it '

She moved and descending from stairs towards her bags in first floor and left.


Otherside in private room ,

Jacky(Assistant) :- Boss ! it's first time you go

to save someone's who was already saved.

You pulled open the door that's why she fell back even she said 'sorry' not y-o-u....

(assistant Jacky said 'y-o-u' with the fear of his devil boss)

Jimmi (vice assistant) :-- Boss ! I was shocked to see you do that ! ..... why did you suddenly stood up between our conversation and opened a door to chit - chat with that girl ? Do you know her?

Suga (lawyer) :- Maybe....boss knows her or wants to know her ! ....I think that's the case....( smirk)

Boss :-- I don't like when people want to entrupt in my private life (saw towards assistants) and ask me back about my matter. So Remember this (saw towards lawyer)

"my matters are my matters none of your business".

Suga (lawyer) :-- But you will need us in this case because maybe it won't be business soon.

Boss :-- it will never happen ?

Jimmy( vice assistant) :---Boss ! it cannot be right that you dragged the past to your future.It will destroy your present too . For future happiness you have to prepare yourself and onwards in life .

Boss :-- You know what happened with me years ago ? After that betrayal I can't come over and can't believe on someone rather than myself....

Jacky :-- Boss ! do I find about that "Window girl "?

Boss:-- No need .....(murmured -"lier girl")

(all three men saw towards each other and sigh when boss said again)

Let's start, our project.....

Jacky:-- boss ! it's next week a big meeting will be held ,do you want go there?.....




SAHAR was driving her car and remembering the words what that 'stranger man' said to her -"leaned branches fall back and have to change herself and stop saying more oftenly the word 'sorry'..."

SAHAR asked to herself --" Do I really say 'SORRY' more than other words " .

Ohh SAHAR ! how will you describe your day ? It's full of movie sequences....

I was late... then with Bodygaurds e- mail fights .....then vertual fights with receptionist girls .....then waiting for came but boss mood was not right so I waited his mood to be right....

how am I responsible for his mood ?....

Uff. (sigh).....poor SAHO !.....It was only half war other half one would be at home because dad will be waiting for you...

SAHAR reached at home where her grandmother was waiting for her in ZHAO VILLA living room . Her grand ma was happy to seeing her back and asked about her job and interview . SAHAR told her what she said to her father on mobile . SAHAR wanted to go towards her room when she listened a honk from outside.Its means 'DAD RETURNES'

... ...*... .....

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