Lunch time ; (1:30p.m)
Three beautiful ladies came in Canteen Area .Canteen Area was full with the Office co-workers.They were talking to each other as well because they are from different branches too. Everyone gathered with their friends and was enjoying their meal . SAHAR forgot to take her lunch box in hurry while her grand ma reminded her but She didn't even listen her words.So she decided to eat in Canteen .
She was familiar with Canteen Area Because of her yesterday lunch alone.But today she met two beautiful and helpful girls who was with her for lunch .So she wasn't alone .They were telling about their work experience in XUO COMPANY.
DAISY :- I started my work in XUO COMPANY 12 year ago. Firstly I wasn't comfortable to work with Company because I had no experience in Entertainment world. But OUR 'PRIVIOUS BOSS ZIYAAN 'gave me courage to work hard even if I do mistake.
He said to ME-- " That I will learn after making mistakes and that's Became true". After making mistakes ,I leant how to work and gain confidence in myself and that improvised me to work hard and to be better so all credit goes to MY 'PREVIOUS BOSS ZIYAAN' .
before 6 years , BOSS ZIYAAN took retirement from Entertainment Business and his children took over his business . He is enjoying his retirement now.
SASSY :-- NOW ! it's my turn to tell about my story . Actually I never had a good luck as my grand mother always says to me . So I never had a chance to meet our previous 'BOSS MR. ZIYAAN' who is so good as SISTER DAISY said.....When I joined the company , "DEVIL BOSS" (Daisy nudged her by elbow with staring eyes)
'OKAY ! OKAY !...I will correct myself..sister DAISY !'
SAHAR ! don't mind her .Sister DAISY is little bit possessive towards BIG BOSS and XUO COMPANY as their older sister. So we can't talk behind their back about them.
My life became stressful after joining the company....Come to right time and went in the end for home . Sometimes I had to done overtime work and my life Became hell.....
Because of this tight schedule I don't have boyfriend... No parties , no vacations , no alcohol ,no get together ,no friends....SO POOR SASSY.....
I think if I continued like this in Company .
DAISY :-- (dragger eyes towards SASSY) Think before you speak and where are you right now. "Or who knows you will be a PREY of HUNGRY WOLFS."
SAHAR got Surprise what sister DAISY said to SASSY .Sister DAISY looks serious - mature kind of personality .Her aura gives you a image of respectable person who was making this kind of Alerting joke .
SAHAR :-- SASSY ! if you are very tired of this job then why don't you leave the company and meet someone for party.(provoking joke)
SASSY :-- Shhhh! (she signed towards sahar to forward her upper body to hear what she wanted to say to them In secretive slow tone)
BECAUSE ,... XUO COMPANY 's ... SALARY IS BEST that Noone can't afford my expenses.I am making more dollars than them (boys).So it's better if I stay here .If I have good luck then I will meet my dream boy here .
(She went in her dream land with few male celebrity or IDOLS...)
SAHAR is stunned to see SASSY lost in her world and daydreaming about boys.
SAHAR looked towards DAISY to ask :- 'how to get her back in real world from her imagnary world'
DAISY :-- NO NEED !...."Her fear is enough above her dream boys "....Do you want to know what she is thinking. Let me show you ...(SAHAR nodded with Curiosity)
" SASSY DARLING !....Do you like 'CHAO XI' OR 'MO METHAI' ....."
SASSY :- YUCK....who are they ?....I will never cheat on my "ZHONG YI" ...He is my dream boy....I love him.
muhh ! muhh ! muhh....
SAHAR got embarrass to seeing SASSY was behaving weird in public (muhh-flying kiss) And other co-workers were looking at them with strange faces.
DAISY to SAHAR :-- I think we should bring her back to realty . Because she isn't embarrassing herself but us with her wierd imagination. when we have free time we will enjoy and know about her secrets too.
SAHAR :-- So SASSY will be like this.Is there any problem with her or personality disorder.
DAISY :-- (serious look) She has some psychological issues but she is normal like us .She feel more secure in her dreamy world than the real world . Because she think that her fear can't be subside here. She is powerful and free there with her dream boy.
SAHAR :-- (sad)....I feel sad...She is so kind and cheerful than how can this be happen.
DAISY :-- .... seriously !..you took it seriously.
I thought my joke was lame .
SAHAR got shock to hear the words from DAISY and seeing her smiling face SAHAR understood few seconds later that " she was joking with her"
SAHAR :-- what we do with her ?
DAISY :-- (loudly said)...." BIG BOSS IS HERE"....
[ Suddenly ,it felt like there was an earthquake on the floor of entire Canteen . Everybody stood up from there seat and they were looking towards main gate in wait of THE NAME 'BIG BOSS ' ]
SASSY :-- OMG....I AM DEAD....I am talking with you two .He will get angry with me. what should I do....Sister DAISY help me ..... BIG BOSS is coming here...please save me from him.....save me ..okay!
[ pleading with both hands together and scared look ]
(SAHAR saw that everybody was stood up rather than SISTER DAISY and HERSELF ....."What is this going on? why they stood up to hear just 'BIG BOSS'? " Should I have to stood up too and saw towards Sister DAISY for her opinion.)
Before she could say Sister DAISY put down her spoon in her plate and stood up towards all co-workers .
DAISY said :- Sorry , for interruption....It's just a call from BIG BOSS....Nothing else...You can enjoy your meal...feel free. Thank you !
(she took her bags )
SASSY !....Hurry , lunch time is over for us. (blink at sahar and left with her mobile )
SASSY :--(put her face on table and exhaled)...
(bind her hands and look upward for praying)...
I AM GOING SAHAR.....After finishing your lunch you come to meet me..okay....
SAHAR :-- but You has not done your lunch .
SASSY :-- Right now ,I want to save my life....what if 'BIG BOSS' come and he couldn't see me there....No !...bye ...Run ....( left)
SAHAR looked surrounding atmosphere was cheerful again after passing through an earthquake.
SAHAR was in shock to seeing all co-workers situation in XUO COMPANY. She was finishing her lunch with some thoughts that --' as they are saying--'BIG BOSS' is the same 'MR.LIER BOSS' or someone else'...
'They all are afraid to 'BIG BOSS' .Its means that he is 'DEVIL BOSS' obviously who else rather than him...He is torturing all the co-workers in company .So I am not the only one but they all are victim here....They work so hard for their family , foods ,needs but Person like that 'DEVIL BOSS' is taking advantage of them .He is even imposing the foundation rule on them.
I think that 'BOSS '...I mean 'BIG BOSS ' Is not a good person but 'LIER RULER' who wants to Rule over poor people with his cruel policies and traps them.
whatever others say to you.
SAHAR left after paying for her food and went back for Waiting Area.