End of the Strom.....W&L


*WIN or LOSE.....W&L*

SAHAR turned back to face with little sorry face to reply HD SHEELA - " I didn't mean that XUO company is disrespectful . But...."

SHEELA didn't let her complete her sentence and Interrupted her and retorted with -- " XUO company is respectful in this industry , society and business . Their members have dignity and knows very well how to maintain that dignity as always in this society which has taken years to establish them where they are today . So Don't DARE YOU talk bad about them , don't forget that you are working for them . "

Sheela pointed her finger to them - " And yeah ! one more thing, they have manners that's why you both are standing here because they know that everyone has family and their responsibility too. "

SHIYA and SAHAR both were facing on the floor like a audio clip was playing there for them.But wasn't sounding good to hear it.

When HD SHEELA stopped She already knew that SAHAR will definitely say something as RIHAAN has appointed her personally .so she was eagerly waiting to know what SAHAR will do because she is interested to know what qualities SAHAR has that attracted RIHAAN and SU BAI 's Attention to keep her here .

SAHAR looked up to face SHEELA : " Ma'am ! I am sorry what I said just before . I should not have to say that . I was little angry so I said it immaturly . Once again I am sorry ! I will make sure that this mistake won't happen again. (sorry face)

SHEELA heard what SAHAR said and thought " Oops ! she is similar to others & nothing special then why did she is in XUO company without any experience.I think I am missing something .it's not that simple just as it looks like ."

When SAHAR and SHIYA didn't get SHEELA 's reaction their eyes firstly met each other then looked up cowardly and saw sheela was lost in deep thinking while staring at them.

SAHAR murmured only they both can able to hear each other.

SAHAR : " what is she waiting for ?"

SHIYA : " I think she is calculating about us ".

SAHAR : " why? Did we cause million dollars of lose to talking bad about his Boss".

SHIYA put her finger to keep low voice :

" Shhhh ! She is calculating mean She is deciding about our future to --


SAHAR shocked a little to hear remarked about their future : " What do you think , will she let us stay here ? Cause you know her well than me ".

SHIYA :- " I Dont know. Noone knows and can tell us what she is thinking . She is on higher position in this company from years and takes many decisions alone for company's benifits and not even RIHAAN Boss stops her to do that ."

SAHAR said : " it means She is capable but her silence is scary a little and killing me . "

SHIYA agreed : " yes ! she is..."

SAHAR spoke again : " tell me how long we will wait for her to say something to us? "

so SHIYA broke the silence " Head Director ! I am sorry again " .

Thudddddd (heart beats)....


Thudddddd....(level is)



[What would happen with them ? ]

Both girls was shivering when HD SHEELA cleared her throat after realising her lost way and faced SAHAR , she said -- " You are strong headed . I know you are just saying to solve this matter right now because I heard it. So I can't accept your "sorry " while person has no mean asking for. It means...? "

She stopped few seconds to know that Sahar get the point of her words or not what she is trying to say to her but disappointed so she continued her words what she wanted to tell her in real ...

" IT MEANS...your point of view is still the same so you should have to stay here to change your views about company before you LEAVE .So take is as your good or bad luck whether you like it or not , cause you need to learn more ."

SHIYA thought : " why is this sounded like punishment ? not like we are saved but feels like pushed into Deep well of water by her "

SAHAR denied her words and said-- " I mean it Ma'am ! I Am sorry and this won't happen Again "

HD SHEELA strictly adviced both of them which sounds like Warning for them but it was specially for SAHAR -- " Then lemme remind you again . If you are working for XUO Company that means ,it is your second home . we are like Family so be loyal towards company as you are for your family . Every person has problems in work areas. Person has good days and bad days .Every person has THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE . Maybe you are also facing problems and difficulties."


she continued -- " problem solves by talking with each others and by sharing burden not by talking bad behind them. IF Member of XUO themselves back biting about their company this loudly , what if other outsider people listen it what image our company had left . Hmm?

So be CAREFULL next time . "

this SHIYA spoke -- "sorry Ma'am once again "

SHEELA turned towards SAHAR and said last time -- " Don't catch so much attention just keep your eyes and ears open and mouth to be shut .Think wisely before you speak Remember this . GO and DO YOUR JOB ."

[ It's sounds Advice in her voice to Sahar but who knows that she was giving her warning to be alert .....BUT WHY ?.....is she bad or good character ?.....]

SAHAR said "sorry" once again and left without looking back and shiya went back to counter to help sister SHEELA for another cup of coffee .

SAHAR murmured while leaving the cafeteria : " She is not that scary .She is strict but nice and kind hearted. She even give me advice"... Smiled.

on other side , Sister SHEELA murmured :

" 'What a ' sorry girl '..... From now on , my eyes are on you girl . Definitely you have something special which I will find out soon.And the reason for your 's stay here . I think It won't be easy for you to stay here . "

HD SHEELA took her cup of coffee and Warned SHIYA : " Don't stay with her so much . Because I 'HATE' when people knowingly do mistake and says' SORRY TO ME ' . There is no next time so keep working as have to you told .I can't tolerate another mistake . Remember this . "

Then HD SHEELA headed towards RIHAAN 's Office Because Just few minutes ago that was Assistant SU BAI 's call for HD SHEELA (when sahar was loudly talking bad about big boss and boss) to come in RIHAAN 's office for urgent meeting which was instructed by BIG BOSS to RIHAAN .

SHIYA : "PHEWww....Thank GOD ! I m saved "...

....*(end of cafeteria war)*.....

* Finally SHIYA and SAHAR saved themselves from loosing the job.

*But what about SHEELA ,will she left her this easily ?

.....soon we will find out.....