
5 hours later

Ghost's POV

I climb up the snowy mountain looking for any kind of house or something. I began climbing up the steep mountain looking and looking. I went through forests, valleys, crossed rivers and even climbed up a cliff. But there was nothing in my view.

'Holy shit, this is going to take me hours.'

I walk around what felt like completely nothing. I tried to find designated paths but there seemed to be none at all.

'Does no one come here?'

I check the map of the mountain and I still have a lot to check.

'This is going to take me at least 4 more hours to check out.'

There was one part of the cliff where I had to jump because there was a gap in between them. There was ice on the side the cliff and so I took out two of my ice axes and jumped the gap. I landed on the side on started climbing up but one of the ice was slippery and my grip slipped and I started sliding down until the axe I was holding onto got stuck on a rock on the cliff. So I used that advantage and pulled out my other ice axe and began climbing again. I made it to the top and continued to my walk.

'Maybe I should check the peak of the mountain to see if I could see anything.'

I started climbing to the top. I took a few 5 minute breaks to drink water and eat an energy bar. I continue climbing up and checked the map so that I don't get lost. The mountain was too steep that it was hard for me to climb up certain parts. The sun was glaring at me but it was so cold as I climbed up. When I got to the top 2 hours passed and it was 1230 hours. I looked around but I couldn't fine anything.

'God fucking dammit.'

I sit down on the rocky ground and looked at the map. I began to retrace my steps and literally I could not find anything, not a cabin or anything. I looked into my binoculars and nothing there was nothing. I looked around the mountain just in case there was any sign of life. I looked at the map but then I caught something odd. I looked at the map then back up again, apparently on the map is said that there is a valley up ahead but I don't see anything but trees.

'Are my eyes playing tricks on me?'

I pulled out my binoculars but I still saw nothing that looked like a valley. I looked back that the map and apparently it's a no tourist zone.

'That doesn't make sense.'

I climb down the mountain, more like sliding down the mountain in a rush. When I got to the bottom of the mountain my pants were wet but I didn't care so I kept running towards that direction. I didn't stop running for about 15 minutes until I got to part where it said no tourist allowed. I noticed that there were fences in front of me saying that it was government property.

'Found you.'

I was about to cut the fence using a breach torcher but then I started to head something. I looked around but there was nothing near me. The noise started to get louder and louder and I was able to hear out what it was. It was a vehicle noise, a snow mobile to be precise. I backed my tracks while covering my foot tracks and hid behind a tree. The snow mobile popped out and stopped where I once stood a few seconds ago. The driver looked around so I hid for a few seconds and peeked my head back out a bit. The driver seemed to be typing something and then rushed away.

'The fuck are they protecting here?'

I decided to wait and timed how long the next scout arrives. I waited for about 30 minutes and then I heard the snow mobile pop out but this time it was a different driver because of his different outfit style. The driver left and I waited another thirty minutes and another scout came by and again a different person.

'30 minutes.'

Once the scout left I put a timer for 30 minutes and went to breach the fence. I went through the fence I ran deeper into the forest. But then I noticed that there were mines in certain places so I pulled out a mine detector device and just started running while avoiding the mines.

'Good thing I had this.'

I crossed the mine field and was at the edge of the forest until there was a steep down side of a hill. But that part didn't get me, the factory in front of me did. I was looking at a huge as factory with thick pipelines coming out of the ground

'Holy fucking hell where the fuck did this shit come from? Why the hell was is this not on satellite pictures?'

I pulled out my binoculars and start scanning the factory receiving its blueprints so that I can upload it onto my computer, making a hologram for me.

'There's not the many guards outside.'

I checked my time and there was 10 minutes left.


I quickly put away my stuff and ran back using the mine detector, running through the forest until I got back to the fence. I got through but I took out a tool that reconnects metal together. I heard the distant sound of the snow automobile approaching me.

'Come on, come on.'

I was nearly done when I heard the automobile stop somewhere near me. I finished up and quickly covered my tracks and hid under a bush. The snow mobile then starts slowly approaching and I see it come into view. The driver was talking to someone on the radio in Russian.

"Nothing to report I'm good sir." he said

"Make sure no one was there, we think there might be someone here and we're going on complete lockdown." replied someone over his radio

"There's no way he made it through the mine field." replied the driver

"Well we detected someone scanning us with the latest prototype binoculars." said the radio

'How the fuck do they know.'

"Understood sir, I'll be going now." said the driver

The driver pulls out his assault rifle and cocks it and drives off. I immediately get up and start running back towards where I came from. I took out my map and redirected my walk and went around the mountain instead of climbing it. I kept running and I heard a snow mobile drive close to me. I turn around and see a driver start shooting his gun at me. I jumped and rolled to a tree using it as cover. I pulled out my pistol and shot at him and he fell off the snow mobile. I ran to him and grabbed his AK-103 even though the rebels actually had decent weapons but I just took this. Luckily it had a suppressor on it so people around it shouldn't have heard it. I grabbed his mags and put it in my vest inside my jacket. I also grabbed his radio and got on his snow mobile. I drove off and headed over to my bike and that's when the radio came one.

"Everyone, report in."

"All clear in section 1." said another voice

"All clear in section 2."

"Clear in section 4."

"Section 3?"

"Clear." I replied in Russian

"Understood report back so that no one knows that we're were here." said the man in the radio

I get off the snow mobile and burn it with a match. I got on my dirt bike and checked the time, 1515 hours.

'I'm going to burn that place down.'

I drove off to back to the rebel camp to get what I need.


5 hours before leaving Elbrus Mountain

Phantom's POV

We got off the plane but we also needed to take a ride to Moscow so we entered a truck but I still had the bag over my head. They pulled us up into the trucks and we drove off to Moscow since we were in Kaluga Oblast. The drive was about 3 hours without stop so I sat back and just waited as the moment of my death was close.

'Ajax I'm so sorry, but I'll see you soon.'

I began to cry as tears wet the bag covering my face.

'How can I move on since now our kids are under Tessa's control.'

About 1 hour of driving I stopped crying, my tears ran out. But luckily the Russians took off the bag over my head but not the tape over our mouths. I looked at each and every one of my team members and they all looked sad and hopeless. I felt terrible since none of them deserve such fate.

The truck slows down and the Russians in our truck got off the truck. I didn't really understand Russian as well as Ajax. He learned Russian in just 1 month by studying and listening to Russians speak.

'I wish I studied with you.'

And out of nowhere, I saw a missile hit the truck behind us and it explodes and erupts into flames. The Russian soldiers don't know what's going on and I see some unknown hostiles at the tree-line. That's when our truck was hit and it flipped over. My head hit something hard and my vision became blurry. My head was spinning and my ears we're ringing as I heard faint gunshots and shouts. I could here soldiers cry and scream as I watched as some soldiers went down from the bullets.

I looked over to see my team members all laid out in the truck, all alive but in pain. I look back at the gun fight and see the unknown hostiles approaching us and shooting the remaining alive Russian soldiers. They pulled me and the others out of the truck and I began to gain my focus a bit.

The hostiles began to talk to me but like I said I don't know Russian. I looked at them with confused looks until one young boy came up to me and started talking some broken English.

"American?" he asked

I nodded in response so he nodded to the others and they carried me into a car and the others in separate cars since there wasn't enough room. I was in the car with Marksman and he looks at me.

"These are Russian rebels." he said

"Looks like we just canceled our execution date." I replied

Eren's POV

"What the fuck do you mean they escaped?!" yelled Recon

"The rebels ambushed the convoy and took away Ghost team." replied Armin

"Goddammit." muttered Recon

"What do we do ma'am?" I asked

"I'm going after them." said Recon, "If you want to come you can but I'm bringing my own platoon." replied Recon

"Scouts gear up, we leave with them." said Levi

Recon gathers her platoon and we gear up.

"Think we'll find them?" I asked

"Don't know." replied Annie

"Ghost team was at a town called Kaluga Oblast. We search from there and spread our in a circle." said Recon

"How far do we stretch?" asked Armin

"We already have a whole Russian company there looking for them but we'll find them by going south from there." replied Recon, "Once I find them, they'll be executed on spot."


5 hours after leaving Elbrus mountain

Ghost's POV

I parked the bike outside the camp where the entrance guards were. I turned off the engine and started heading towards the camp until I stopped dead in my tracks.

A couple meters away from me, sitting on a box with a blanket covering her body, was Emily. She was just sitting there looking at the sky near the fire.

'What is she doing here?'

I slowly walked towards her but she looks at my direction and her eyes widen and her mouth.

"Ajax." she whispered

"Emily, why are you here, how did you get here? My team, where are the others?" I asked

I approach Emily and she gets up and slaps me across the face.

"I'm not dreaming." said Emily, "How the fuck did you survive the fall? What are you doing here with the rebels?"

I looked at her in surprise and sadness. Her eyes start tearing up and she quietly cries on my chest. But I knew I couldn't stay here much longer.

"I'll explain everything later." I whisper

I grab her shoulders and gently push her away, she seemed confused and looks up at me. I went into my tent and grabbed the stuff I needed and Emily looked really confused.

"What are you doing?" she asked

"Something personal, I need to finish this." I replied

"What do you mean? You just came back and now you're going back out there? Aren't you going to see the others?" she asked

I cock my gun and looked at her.

"Emily this is personal matter, stay out of this." I said

"If it's personal for you then it's also personal for me." snapped Emily

"No this one isn't." I replied

"We just met, I thought you were dead for 2 weeks and I finally got to see you again and now you're going back out there to get yourself killed?" she asked

"If no one's going to do, all goes to fail and this world falls into another world war." I replied

She was dumbfounded, she grits her teeth in frustration and glares at me.

"Do you not care about me, or your kids?" she asked

I stay silent.

"Right now Tessa is carrying them like they're her fucking child and you're going out there to fucking attend personal matters?"

"If I don't do this there will be no kids to protect." I said

I turn my back on her but she tries to run to me but she collapses midway.

"Ajax wait!" she yelled

I don't listen I continue walking to my bike as she screams out my name over and over, each time getting louder. I start the engine and race down the street back to Elbrus mountain.