22| Sunshine Cafe

"Hi! Welcome to Sunshine Cafe! We just opened and you lovely couple is our first couple. I'm Hoseok, come in and have a seat."

The bright and happy guy welcomed us with a wide smile, he seemed like a real sunshine. One of the Sun's son. He gives of a good vibes and that made you smile amidst the sad position you are in.

You and Suga walked to a seat Hoseok lead you to sit, you gave your orders shortly after you sat down.

"Caramel Mariachi?" Suga questioned in a whisper while looking at the menu. "I'll take Caramel Mariachi." he ordered.

I scan the deserts and go with the flow. "I'll get what he got and a rainbow crepe."

"Coming up!" Hoseok cheered and ran away in a zigzag to the counter.

I stood silent whilst looking outside. There were cars passing by and the house you live at is nowhere found. I hit myself internally for getting too distracted.

Thoughts and questions ran on my mind, when's the right time to run.. should I? I mean he never hurt me, but doesn't mean he couldn't. but i think i love him. Is this fake love?

The orders came from another waiter, a girl. She left after setting the orders down, you thanked her as she nod and smile.

"Baby." Suga called you, but you didn't hear it. You were munching your cake, so sweet and deliciously made along with the loud noise of ideas in your mind.

A hand gripped on my wrist so tight, the hand was going pale. I flinched at Yoongi's actions while his grip loosen, leaving red marks. His hand crawled to hold my hand, rubbing soothing circles on my palm.

"Eat well and don't you dare leave, loveyou." he said loud and clear with a peck at your hand, you smiled and finished the cake. It didn't bother you, those words were tossed at the back of your head down to your feet.

It's one of those fight or flight. But you didn't want to fight or at least not yet.

I'll excuse myself for the bathroom, because its now or never.

With slight hesitance that you wished he didn't notice. You asked him, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

He squint his eyes at you and your legs shakes at his probing gaze. His eyes darkened and his lips lifted to a smirk. "Go on, I'll be here." he replied and you walk away not looking back.


I paced back and forth hesitating to climb the small bathroom window which I could still fit in. It's a battle of body and mind because I started to think of backing out but my body wanted to jump.  I was scared but at the same time I craved to be free and back to the city I am familiar with.

I'll do this success or not. I will.

I locked the bathroom door.

My left feet climb the sink followed by my right leg which didn't work the first time. So I grabbed for the trash bin and pour the contents on the floor. I placed it upside down so I could use it as a lift.

I got on the sink before it broke. I reached for the window and opened it. I slid my head first then gripped on the  outside wall to lift myself up and sit on the wall.

Now, my legs just need to come out.

I forced my eyes shut whilst struggling to let my legs out as I tightened my grip and looked down, my body is legit swinging now.

It's not that high so I closed my eyes letting go and waited for landing.

But there was no thud, no impact, no pain and definitely no broken legs. So you opened your eyes to a living nightmare. The guy you most wanted to ran off to and your luck never came because you might've landed in his arms right now.

He caught you falling, but IT IS NO WHERE NEAR ROMANTIC.

"You thought I'd let you?" Suga smirked placing a cloth at your mouth and everything went black.