Please Forgive Me! I Love You!

Seeing Yu Daiyu's expression that no longer showed a blank reaction, Yan Zixin smiled and couldn't help but ask, "What time is it? Why are you still outside? If we weren't the ones who met you, something bad might happen to you just now."

Yu Daiyu couldn't be bothered by him. She wanted to leave, but Yan Zixin blocked her way and wouldn't let her leave without answering his question. She scolded him for being a scoundrel. But he didn't care. He just stood there and smiled at her.

Finally, Yu Daiyu used her bag to hit him. However, Yan Zixin didn't leave nor did he run away. In the end, she could only scold him angrily. "I can't be out at this time? Why do you care if I come home or not? I don't have a home! I don't want to go back. Why do you care so much about me? Are you crazy?"

Just like that, Yu Daiyu scolded Yan Zixin loudly. She didn't know what Yan Zixin liked about her. She kept scolding and cursing him loudly and suddenly, he kissed her right on the lips, surprising her so much that she froze on the spot.

Maybe she was too young back then and didn't know what scum was. And just like that, her first kiss was snatched away from her.

Later, the two of them went to study at Boston University together, and it was only after Yu Daiyu's persistent inquiries that Yan Zixin finally said that her feisty behavior suited his taste.

At first, he had thought she was a ninja god who would endure being bullied every day, but who knew that deep down in her bones, she was actually so gutsy.

After three years in high school and entering university, the two of them mysteriously became a well-known couple in the eyes of their classmates.

Yu Daiyu was originally a very low-key person. Although she was in love, she didn't want everyone to know about it.

But Yan Zixin's personality was that kind of... To be honest, she didn't know his personality either. Whenever a boy approached her, he always threatened him and warned him to stay away from her.

Yu Daiyu had told him that he was too overbearing. But his stubborn nature didn't change, and in the end, everyone knew about their relationship.

At the university, Yu Daiyu made a new good friend and best friend. Her name was Hou Qiuyue. She was a mixture of French and Chinese. The two good sisters ate together, went shopping, and attended school together.

Yu Daiyu didn't know when Hou Qiuyue fell in love with Yan Zixin, nor did she know when Yan Zixin started lying to her.

All this happened two years before she graduated.

Hou Qiuyue and Yan Zixin went to a small bar outside the campus and were accidentally discovered by Yu Daiyu's roommate. She told Yu Daiyu about the two of them, and the next morning, Hou Qiuyue sent her a picture of them hugging and kissing each other intimately.

Hou Qiuyue said that Yan Zixin would go to France with her and would never come back. She wanted Yu Daiyu to let him go.

Yu Daiyu didn't go to class that day. She lay on the grass behind the school all day until Yan Zixin found her. He looked at her in silence for a long time and only said, "I'm going to France next week."

Yu Daiyu looked up at him. Her eyes were extremely cold and indifferent, which made Yan Zixin panic a little. He originally wanted to hug her or say something, but Yu Daiyu suddenly stood up and said with an indifferent tone, "Never show your face in front of me, ever."

With that, she left without shedding a tear.

But when they actually left, Yu Daiyu had lost a lot of weight in that one month.

She didn't know how their lives had been in France for the past two years, but Yan Zixin's sudden return was a shock to her. What was even more shocking was how Yan Zixin could be so thick-skinned and think she would forgive him.

Before leaving work, Yu Daiyu went to deliver her work and returned to the office. Suddenly, she saw her colleagues leaning against the window, talking animatedly to each other. She walked over to take a look, and her expression immediately froze.

Yan Zixin was holding the banner in front of the Xian Corporation's building. It was a very old-fashioned banner with words written, "Yu Daiyu, please forgive me! I love you!"

The teasing voice of the colleagues around Yu Daiyu gave her a headache. She was so angry that she wanted to jump down from this window to smash that idiot to death!

"Yu Daiyu, please forgive me! I came back to America for you! Can you forgive me?" Yan Zixin shouted loudly downstairs.

Wei Zhengsheng went out to lunch with his client and just came back. He parked his car in the underground parking lot and took the elevator to the first floor.

Just as he was about to find someone on the first floor to discuss something, he suddenly heard a commotion from outside. He slowly walked closer.

"Yu Daiyu, please forgive me! I love you!"

The banner instantly leaped into his view.