Why Don't I Remember I Have A Brother?

Yu Daiyu cursed under her breath after returning to the bedroom. "Why did he suddenly come back? He obviously knew I was going to change, so he must have come back on purpose to peek at me. Is this what people call as the dignified boss of the Xian Corporation?"

Yu Daiyu thought that no one would come when she changed her clothes in the living room, so she decided not to be careful. Next time, she had to be more careful. If she continued to be seen by such a pervert, her dignity would be tarnished!

Yu Daiyu's face grew hot as she thought of Wei Zhengsheng's stunned look when he saw her naked body. She hurriedly got dressed and left the bedroom with a bathrobe in her hand.

When she saw Wei Zhengsheng still standing with his back to the living room, even though she was angry, she didn't say anything.

Yu Daiyu went to the bathroom door and put the bathrobe there. Then she picked up her clothes on the floor and put them in a bag. She got the lunch box from the table. All her actions were done as if Wei Zhengsheng didn't exist at all.

"Miss Yu, I'm sorry." Wei Zhengsheng, who was completely ignored, opened his mouth and apologized. However, this time he didn't call Yu Daiyu by her full name, but Miss Yu.

Yu Daiyu opened the lunch box. When she saw the meat dish inside, her mood immediately improved. She raised her head and glanced at him. "It's alright. You didn't do that on purpose."

When Wei Zhengsheng turned around, he saw Yu Daiyu was already dressed beautifully and eating the food he bought. He smiled and said, "I was being rude. I'm used to living alone, so I didn't think too much when I opened the door. I came back because I want to tell you that there will be a quarterly event at J Company next week. Vice Director An Ha called me an hour ago and invited me to the gala. He also hoped that I would bring you with me."

Yu Daiyu took another bite of the red cooked meat, then raised her head to look at him. Seeing Wei Zhengsheng still standing in front of the door, it was unknown whether he was embarrassed or not used to being in the same room with other women, she smiled as if nothing had happened. "Would you double my salary if I accompanied you?"

Wei Zhengsheng looked at her with a faint smile, but he did not reply. He simply turned around and left.

Seeing the closed door, Yu Daiyu gritted her teeth and angrily stabbed the meat in the lunch box with a fork while muttering, "You cheapskate! Forget it, I'll just rip you off later!"


When Yu Daiyu returned to her small apartment, she went straight to the laundry room to wash her dirty clothes. She still had a hangover and her head ached a little, her body was also very tired. So she decided to go to bed earlier.

She put the clothes into the washing machine and sat on the side, listening to the sound of the washing machine spinning.

Why did she keep thinking about Xian Guiying's photo on the way home?

Why did she keep thinking about the scene where Wei Zhengsheng had accidentally seen her naked body?

Yu Daiyu wanted to laugh when she thought of Wei Zhengsheng's expression, but she realized that she would look crazy. She didn't know why she kept thinking about him.

The scene where Wei Zhengsheng had talked and laughed with her in the car yesterday kept running through her mind. The scene where she had almost fallen and he had grabbed her by the waist; it was all playing out in her mind.

Although Wei Zhengsheng had a helpless look in his eyes when he carried her that time, but his eyes were very gentle, and his movements were also very gentle.

Wei Zhengsheng was indeed a very aloof person, but there was no denying that he was also a gentle person.

The lunch he had brought specially for her today was also filled with meat. It could be seen that he remembered when she said that she liked to eat meat.

While Yu Daiyu was thinking about this, the washing machine stopped spinning. Her thoughts had also stopped spinning. She shook her head and slapped her face. "Yu Daiyu, what are you thinking about?!"

She had only met Wei Zhengsheng a few times and spent a night in his apartment. There's no way she's falling for him, right?

No, no, Wei Zhengsheng clearly liked a woman like Xian Guiying, so a woman like her was definitely not to his liking. She was still working for Xian Corporation, so she definitely couldn't let her imagination run wild!

After taking her clothes out of the machine, Yu Daiyu went to dry them. Just as she was about to take a shower and get ready to go to bed early, she suddenly heard the doorbell ring. She walked over doubtfully and looked outside. She looked through the peephole and saw no one, so she didn't open the door. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard the doorbell ring again.

She opened the door and saw a small boy, about five feet tall, standing in front of her. The boy had been too close to the door just now and he wasn't too tall either. That was why she didn't see him.

"Are you Yu Daiyu?" This little boy's appearance was quite polite. He looked to be around thirteen or fourteen years old, but when he opened his mouth, there was no sign of politeness.

Yu Daiyu was confused. "That's me, but who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Ah, then I'm your brother." The little boy carried his school bag on one shoulder and had a jacket on the other arm. He rushed right in. He sat down on the sofa and saw a box of fruit juice on the coffee table. He took it and drank it shamelessly.

Yu Daiyu looked at the impudent child with disdain. However, she did her best to hold back her anger and patiently asked, "Why don't I remember I have a brother? Where did you come from? How do you know me? Hey, hey, hey! I'm talking to you. It's okay if you drink that fruit juice, but you can't touch my stuff at will!"